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Your kidding me

he should be in expert

he is better than half of the members in expert


lol. Most people in Expert are better then him TBH. Not trying to offend him though. There are some ways the card can improve though. Teh effect can be activated easliy With Macro Cosmos. It might make the effec a little unfair in Certain situatuations.


The thing is... I also rate cards on how the would work and fare against TCG and OCG Cards. Helps determine a cards power.

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That doesn't explain it though. Maybe votes are Biased? Maybe he just made a very good cards and the other competition didn't make cards up to there skill Level. I will be honest my card wasn't really good. I still think he is a very good card maker.

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Teh effect can be activated easliy With Macro Cosmos.



It's not really important to me to be in expert or advance card makers' date=' but i would assume that this is not right. look what the lore says:


"If this this card was removed from play [b']by its own effect[/b]...."


so you can only activate it's effect if you summoned the card except by it's own effect or if you payed halve of your life points. If this card would be romved from play by macro cosmos or something else, it's pretty useless.


and no offence^^

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Guys help me make a Monster Card

Maybe the start would be

If your opponent Special Summons a level 5 or higher monster you can Summon this card from your hand. If this card is summoned except for its own effect, you lose 500 Life Points and this card is sent to the graveyard. If your opponent controls a Monster Card you can Remove from play this card to halve the monster ATK and double the monsters DEF until the End Phase of this turn. If this card is Removd from play, you can Tribute 2 monsters whose ATK equils 2300 or more to Summon this card to your opponents side of the field. At the End Phase of the turn, summon this monster to your side of the field. If your opponent activates a Spell Card which destroys a Monster, you can put a Spell Card from your deck to your gtraveyard. In 3 turns put the Spell Card in your hand.


Could you please fix the OCG and tell me what to add or remove

And what ATK and DEF it should have

Who ever helps me the most will get 1 rep and 100 points

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If your opponent Special Summons a Level 5 or higher monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Summoned except by its own effect, lose 500 Life Points and send this card to the Graveyard.


I would change the first 2 sentences to this:


This card cannot be Summoned except by it's own effect. If your opponent Special Summons a level 5 or higher monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.


because why should you summon this card ? to lose 500 Life points?


If your opponent controls 1 Monster, you can remove this card from play to halve the monster's ATK and double the monsters DEF until the End Phase of this turn. If this card is removed from play, you can Tribute 2 monsters with 2300 ATK or more to Special Summon this card to your opponent's side of the field.


2 monster with 2300 ATK, thats too much in my opinion. 2000 ATK is enough i think.

you could also change "If this card is removed from play" to "If this card was removed from play by its own effect". then you can special summon the card anytime in your main phase.

also, i would change 1 monster to 1 or more monster(s)


At the End Phase of the turn you used this effect, Special Summon this monster to your side of the field. If your opponent activates a Spell Card that destroys 1 Monster on the field, you can send 1 Spell Card from your deck to the Graveyard. During your fourth Standby Phase after you activated this efffect, add the card to your hand.


This is a really nice effect, nothing wrong about it in my opinion.



How much ATK and DEF?? i would say 2400 ATK and 900 DEF


do you have a pic?

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