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Respect and Cards that UDE could bring out

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Hi Guys


i have been a duelist ever since the first 2 starter decks came out (Yugi & Kaiba) and the anime started back in 1999-present and have learned my skills through the Anime. Since i saw Yugi and Joey Duel each other @ Duelist Kingdom they put thier frinedship and repect and dueled with honer and repect to all Duelists they face.


I am 19 and haven't been in any events but Yu-Gi-Oh! CCG should be played with respect and honer but i do not like cheaters as they can destroy the fun and spirit of the game.


Over here in the UK we have a magazine called Yu-Gi-Oh! World and it keeps up to date with the latest cards and developments from around the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!


Anyway there are so many different Booster Packs out and making the game more difficult to play but i think that they should make new booster packs once every two years and in the future i would like to see the following cards/decks to come out.


Starter Deck Zane - Including Chimeriatech overdragon

Starter Deck Alexis - Cyber Angel Cards

Starter Deck Aster - including Plasma

Starter Deck Jaden Evolution - including his Neo Spacian and Elemental Hero's Manga cards and Fusions.


Anyway Merry Chrismas and have a happy duel year:D

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