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Deck Contest


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Can you submit a deck of purely YCM made cards?


Of course

Monsters: 22


Shadow Force : Death Whispers x3

Shadow Force : Devastation Hound x3

Shadow Force : Devil’s Curse x3

Shadow Force : Haze Knight x3

Shadow Force : Herukomori x1

Shadow Force : Nightmare’s Enigma x3

Shadow Force : Reaper’s Gift x3

Shadow Force : Shade Wall x3


Spells: 10


Blanketing Darkness x1

Invert x3

Shadow Blaze x3

Shadow Sacrifice x3





Shadow Sneak x3

Sudden Casting x3

Shadow Nexus x3




[spoiler=text] This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set' date=' this card can only be Special Summoned by removing 5 "Shadow Force" monsters in your graveyard from play. When this card is Special Summoned, you may Special Summon, to your side of the field, as many level 2 or lower "Shadow Force" monsters from your graveyard as possible.





[spoiler=text] Activate this card’s effect only while it is in your graveyard. Once per turn, during each of your Stand-By Phases, inflict 200 points of damage to your opponents life points.




[spoiler=text] Activate this card's effect only while it is in your graveyard. Once per turn, During your Stand-By Phase, you may remove from play one card in your opponents graveyard.




[spoiler=text] Activate this card's effect only while it is in your graveyard. Once per turn, during your Stand-By Phase, you may discard a card at random from your opponents hand to their graveyard.




[spoiler=text] Activate this card's effect only while it is in your graveyard. Once per turn, during your Stand-By Phase, send the top card of your opponent's deck to their graveyard.




[spoiler=text] Activate this card's effect only while it is in your graveyard. Once per turn, during your Stand-By Phase, you gain 200 life points.




[spoiler=text] Activate this card's effect only while it is in your graveyard. All "Shadow Force" monsters on your side of the field gain 300 ATK.



GREAT! Thanks so much for entering.


[spoiler=text] Activate this card's effect only while it is in your graveyard. Once per turn, during your Stand-By Phase, you may Special Summon one "Shadow Shield" token ( Dark, Level 1, Fiend, ATK 0, DEF 1000) to your side of the field in defense position.




[spoiler=text] Remove any number of "Shadow Force" cards in your graveyard from play, then inflict damage to your opponent equal to 300x the number of monsters that were removed from play by this card's effect.





[spoiler=text] Select one "Shadow Force" monster on your side of the field and switch its ATK with its DEF, and vice-versa.




[spoiler=text] Increase the ATK and DEF of all "Shadow Force" monsters by 500.




[spoiler=text] Search your deck for any number of "Shadow Force" monsters and send them to your graveyard, then take damage equal to the number of monsters x300.




[spoiler=text] Special Summon one "Shadow Force" monster from your graveyard to your side of the field in face up defense position.




[spoiler=text] Special Summon, from your graveyard to your side of the field in face-up ATK position, one "Shadow Force" monster. Activate its effect as though the monster existed in your opponent's graveyard as long as it remains face up on the field.




[spoiler=text] Remove from play any number of "Shadow Force" monsters in your graveyard to Special Summon one "Shadow Force" monster with a level equal to, or lower than the number of removed monsters from your hand, deck, or graveyard in face up ATK position.

[spoiler=Monsters (21)]


[spoiler=Infernity Gatekeeper]


During each of your opponent's Standby Phases' date=' if you have no cards in your hand, "Infernity" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by Battle until the End Phase of the turn. (Damage Calculation is applied normally.) During each of your Standby Phases, if you have 1 or less cards in your hand, you can select 1 Level 3 or lower monster you control. During this turn, the selected monster can attack your opponent Directly.




The Creator


Infernity Destroyer


[spoiler=Infernity Ninja]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. You can Special Summon this card from your hand if this is the only card in your hand, or by Tributing 1 "Infernity" monster you control. When this card is succesfuly Summoned, if there are no cards in your hand, you can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower "Infernity" monster from your Graveyard.




[spoiler=Infernity Splasher]


When you have no cards in your hand, increase the ATK and DEF of all "Infernity" monsters you control by 300. If this card is attacked while you have no cards in your hand, you can switch the attack target to an "Infernity" monster you control, exept "Infernity Splasher".




The Creator Incarnate


Infernity Guardian


Infernity Archfiend


[spoiler=Infernity Feline]


If this card attacks a monster your opponent controls while there are no cards in your hand, you can change the Battle Position of the defending monster.



[spoiler=Infernity Wings]


If this card is destroyed as a result of Battle while there are no cards in your hand, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects:

* Remove from play 1 card your opponent controls.

* Special Summon 1 "Infernity Wings" from your Deck.



[spoiler=Infernity Fossil]


Once per turn, if you have no cards in your hand, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Infernity" monster from your Deck. If you use this effect, destroy this card during the End Phase.



[spoiler=Infernity Soul]


Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this monster on the field, you can equip it to an "Infernity" monster you control as an Equip Spell Card OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. If the equiped monster destroys a monster your opponent controls while there are no cards in your hand, inflict Damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the equipped monster x100. (1 monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster is destroyed as a result of battle, destroy this card instead.)



D.D. Crow





[spoiler=Infernity Factory]


During each of your End Phases, if there are no cards in your hand, you can pick up the top card of your Deck. If it is a Level 4 or lower "Infernity" monster, you can Special Summon it to your side of the field. If it is not, place it on the bottom of your Deck.








Rest of the cards are coming.



I don't understand why you would make an entry fee of 3 points' date=' but give out 5 to whoever participates. Anyway, I guess I'll join. I'm working on a deck project anyway.




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Even though Syncros don't count can we still put them in the deck?


If so here's my WereLord deck. Oh and 2x of all of the Syncros.



Effect/Lore-Tuner Wolf and 1 or more nontuner monsters

When this card is Summoned destroy all other monster cards on your side of the field then this card gains 300 ATK and DEF for every "WereLord" monster in your Graveyard. When this card is destroyed by a monster effect a spell or a trap card you can Special Summon up to 3 level 5 or lower monsters from your Graveyard.



Effect/Lore-1 tuner + 1 or more nontuner monsters

When this monster is Syncro Summoned you can Tribute this card to destroy all cards on the field. During battle between this card and a Defense Postion monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponet's Life Points. When this card inflicts damage to your opponent add one"WereLord" named card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.



Effect/Lore-1 tuner monster and 1 or more nontuner monsters

If this card is destroyed by an opponents card effect remove from play 2 monsters in your Graveyard to Special Summon this card to the field and destroy all cards on the field except this card. If Special Summoned this way this card cannot declare an attack for two turns.


Alright now for the accual deck.


2x of this card











Effect/Lore-When this card is discarded from your hand by a card effect Special Summon this card to your field. You can discard one card from your hand to have all monster effects negated for two turns. If discarded by an opponents card effect all non "WereLord" monsters can't declare an attack for three of your opponents turns.




Effect/Lore-This card is Special Summoned when discarded even in a chain of effects. This card can attack all monsters on your opponents side of the field once each. If this card was discarded by an opponents card effect it is Special Summoned to the field and any time when this card declares an attack destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field.







Effect/Lore-When a face-up Beast or Beast-Warrior type monster attacks a monster in DEF position you can activate 1 of the following effects.

* If the monster is in face-up DEF position inflict the difference between the ATK and DEF of the monsters to your opponent’s Life Points.

* If the monster is in face-down DEF position you can discard one card from your hand to destroy that monster but you can only use this effect once per turn.


2x or 1x upto you












1x or 2x


















1x of Sprit Reaper

3x of Vorse Raider

1x Mirror Force

2x Dark World Dealings

2x of Dark Bribe

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Even though Syncros don't count can we still put them in the deck?


If so here's my WereLord deck. Oh and 2x of all of the Syncros.



Effect/Lore-Tuner Wolf and 1 or more nontuner monsters

When this card is Summoned destroy all other monster cards on your side of the field then this card gains 300 ATK and DEF for every "WereLord" monster in your Graveyard. When this card is destroyed by a monster effect a spell or a trap card you can Special Summon up to 3 level 5 or lower monsters from your Graveyard.



Effect/Lore-1 tuner + 1 or more nontuner monsters

When this monster is Syncro Summoned you can Tribute this card to destroy all cards on the field. During battle between this card and a Defense Postion monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card' date=' inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponet's Life Points. When this card inflicts damage to your opponent add one"WereLord" named card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.



Effect/Lore-1 tuner monster and 1 or more nontuner monsters

If this card is destroyed by an opponents card effect remove from play 2 monsters in your Graveyard to Special Summon this card to the field and destroy all cards on the field except this card. If Special Summoned this way this card cannot declare an attack for two turns.


Alright now for the accual deck.


2x of this card











Effect/Lore-When this card is discarded from your hand by a card effect Special Summon this card to your field. You can discard one card from your hand to have all monster effects negated for two turns. If discarded by an opponents card effect all non "WereLord" monsters can't declare an attack for three of your opponents turns.




Effect/Lore-This card is Special Summoned when discarded even in a chain of effects. This card can attack all monsters on your opponents side of the field once each. If this card was discarded by an opponents card effect it is Special Summoned to the field and any time when this card declares an attack destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field.







Effect/Lore-When a face-up Beast or Beast-Warrior type monster attacks a monster in DEF position you can activate 1 of the following effects.

* If the monster is in face-up DEF position inflict the difference between the ATK and DEF of the monsters to your opponent’s Life Points.

* If the monster is in face-down DEF position you can discard one card from your hand to destroy that monster but you can only use this effect once per turn.


2x or 1x upto you












1x or 2x


















1x of Sprit Reaper

3x of Vorse Raider

1x Mirror Force

2x Daek World Dealings

2x of Dark Bribe


Counted, and I'm going to have to change them Synchros into my new Hybrid Monsters.

Well' date=' I guess I'll join too, if its not a problem, points on the way, azza.




I'd like to join' date=' but it will probably take me a couple days to finish the cards. If that's okay?



You've got until the closing date. Otherwise it isn't accepted.

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Well, Here's my deck! From the Pack "Realm of the Ancients" Designed for summoning strong monsters. I figure the way the deck would run. It would be an effective and powerful strategy for the main villain.


Monsters: 20


3 Ancient Hatchling



3 Ancient Keeper



3 Ancient Beast - Desert Shadow



3 Ancient Beast - Frozen Phoenix



1 Ancient Beast - Stone Behemoth Ketaroth



1 Ancient Beast - Blazing Goliath Fizoger



1 Ancient Beast - Crystal Serpent Aquatico



1 Ancient Beast - Dark Dragon Talos



1 Ancient Beast - Golden Dragon Valorm



1 Ancient Beast - Vial Horde Zergatoc



1 Ancient Beast - Feral Death Purgatex



1 Reaper of the Ancients



Spells: 11-14


2-3 Ancient's Domain



1-2 Ancient Sacrifice (Should perhaps be limited.)



2 Ancient Rage



2 Return to the Heavens



2 Surprise from the Depths



2-3 The Last Stronghold



Traps: 6-12


1-2 Apposing Equals



1-2 Betrayal



1-2 Blast from Below



1-2 Reckless Power (Should perhaps be limited.)



1-2 Reign of Fire (Should perhaps be limited.)



1-2 Spirit of the Ancient Beasts



The number of of each card is totally up to you. I haven't used the deck. So I don't really know how many of what is needed. So please, go ahead and change any quantity of anything you like. Also, if you have any suggestions for more cards to add, need me to put up the card text, or have any questions about particular cards, feel free to let me know. Hope you like them. They took quite a bit of time to make, and I'm glad I finally finished them.

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sry to double post but answer my questions!!


I really doubt it. I think you missed the deadline to join, more or less. Then you demand someone answers your question. I really don't know if Elemental Azza Kid will let you join the contest, because it may technically already be over. This is of course unless Elemental Azza Kid has reason to allow you. Ass for Dark Synchros. That's even more doubtful. If anything Elemental Azza Kid would probably just make them into the new Hybrid Monsters that were mentioned. Either way, if I were you I, wouldn't really expect anything.

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what the f'cking hell!!! i asked him these questions when i could still post the deck and he didn't answer me that b'tch you no what i don't want to be this god damn contest anyway.


sry for so mch cursing


Calm down. No need to get angry. It's just a children's card game, (thank you Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series.) You might still be able to join. I'm not Elemental Azza Kid, so it isn't my decision. I understand your frustration. Your question wasn't answered quickly, just be patient. The real problem with you joining, is that there are only 10 contestants, and they're full already. I thought entry ended the 20th, but either I'm wrong about that, or the deadline was increased. Anyway, wait and see what Elemental Azza Kid says, before getting upset. Know what I'm sayin?

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the contest was already suposed to be over...so why try to join now? it seems like the contest was only extended by bribery...and i was one of the few who actually made it on time...new people shouldnt be allowed to join the contest at this point...it isnt really fair to those of us who actually did it within the time it was suposed to be done...or atleast entered in time

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