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[UPDATED] Elitle Battle Tournament (Create A Character) (4/?? Players)


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Hello and welcome to the Offical Elitle Battle Tournament, in this game you are a character you create or a character created fit for you. In this game you play against some one in a brutal battle. The more wins you get you get closer to fighting the undefeated Champion!


[spoiler=IMPORTANT: Rules] Orginal charcters please. No God moding, No flamming, Fights must be a little spefic. Chracter cannot be rigged, and must be a Human. 1 Attack or Potion per post. May use Special Attack for every 2 posts. May use Ultimate Attack if used Special Attack 2 times after that you cannot use Ultimate Attack again.



[spoiler= IMPORTANT: How it Works] Your Character goes up against another Character, you must post an attack on the character. If he does not respond for awhile the attack you deal the damage.For Every player you win against you gain EXP. Flawless Victorys you gain x1.5 Example: If you gain 3 EXP you Level Up to another Level and you gain 10 EXP points. EXP Points can be used in Shops.


Sin(AzNLycaN) vs Zyach(Dark Lightning).

Dark Lightning Declines

Sin(AzNLycaN) vs Niashi Inumaki(Niashi Inumaki)

Niashi Inumaki accepts

Sin vs Niashi Inumaki

Sin Attacks Niashi Inumaki

Niashi Inumaki responds with a block and attacks

Sin does not Respond damage is impiled

Niashi Inumaki attacks Sin again.

Sin Responds with a block.

Niashi Inumaki uses Special Attack 1:

Sin Responds with a block but half of the Attack Implies.


So on and so forth.



[spoiler=IMPORTANT: Create a Charcter Format]

Name: Customizeable

Hitpoints: 1,000 (Can be increased in Shops)

Weapon Attack: Customizeable - Attack= 50 (Must be something related to hand weapons, blades, staffs, maces, and Ranged weapons)

Defense: Customizeable (Ideas: Parry, Dodge, Shield)

Special Attack: Customizeable - Attack= 75 (Must be orignal no Hadoukens, Shoryukens, etc.)

Special Attack 2: Customizeable (Must Specify Attack or Healing) - Attack= 75 or Healing= 100 Hit Points (Healing and Attack be increased in shops)

Ultimate Attack: Customizeable (Must Specifiy Attack or Healing) - Attack= 250 or Healing= 300 Hit Points

Picture: Customizeable



[spoiler= How to gain EXP Points] You can gain EXP Points by:

Trading EXP Points with some one else by using their Points.

Buy EXP Points with Points.

Level Up.



[spoiler= Types of Battles]

1v1 Battles 1 Player and another Player. Normal Points

2v2 Battles 2 Teams, Red Team and Black Team. x 1.2 In EXP Points

BOSS Battles Every 5 Levels (Requires 2 People): x2 In EXP Points if won



[spoiler= Leveling and Wins]

Victory: 1 EXP Points

Flawless Victory: 3 EXP Points

5 Victory Streak: 5 EXP Points

10 Victory Streak: 7 EXP Points

15 Victory Streak: 10 EXP Points

20 + Victory Streak: 15 EXP Points

Lv. 1 (0 Wins): 0 EXP Points.

Lv. 2 (2 Wins): 10 EXP Points.

Lv. 3 (2 Wins + Bought something from store): 10 EXP Points.

Lv. 4 (3 Wins): 20 EXP Points.

Lv. 5 (4 Wins + Purchased EXP Points.): 25 EXP Points.

Lv. 6 (4 Wins + Purchased EXP Points, Purchased Something From Store.): 20 EXP Points.

Lv. 7 (4 Wins + Purchased 2 EXP Points.): 20 EXP Points.

Lv. 8 (5 Wins + Purchased 2 Things From Store.): 25 EXP Points.

Lv. 9 (7 Wins): 25 EXP Points.

Lv. 10 (7 Wins + 60% Wins, 40% Loses): 30 EXP Points.

Lv. 11 (8 Wins + 60% Wins, 40% Loses): 30 EXP Points.

Lv. 12 (10 Wins + 60% Wins, 40 Loses): 30 EXP Points.

(Once some one has Hit Lv. 12 the Lv.'s will increase)



[spoiler= Players]

Niashi Inumaki (Lv. 1) - [spoiler= Niashi Inumaki]


Weapon Attack: Demon Wind Bomb: 50

Defense: Substitution

Special Attack: Inumaki Combo: 75

Special Attack 2: Training Manual!: 100 (Health Up)

Ultimate Attack: Rasendori: 250

Wins: 0 Loses: 0 EXP Points: 0 (Warning: 0%)


xxTrinityxx (Lv. 1) - [spoiler=Morwyn Vorreln]

Hitpoints: 1,000

Weapon Attack: Zweihander Crush (Zweihander is German for Two Hander) (A Great Sword): 50

Defense: Strafe

Special Atttack: Burst of Strength: 75

Special Attack 2: Frenzy: 75

Ultimate Attack: Cleaving Sky Piercer:250

Wins: 0 Loses: 0 EXP Points: 0 (Warning: 0%)


XP_Lulz (Lv. 1) - [spoiler= Miharu Iritisu]


Hitpoints: 1,000

Weapon: Tisurugi (Samurai Blade): 50

Defense: Block

Special Attack: Tisurugi Combo: 75

Special Attack 2: Chara Blast: 75

Ultimate Attack: Final Blow: 250


Wins: 1 Loses: 0 EXP Points: 1 (Warning: 0%)


Dark Lightning (Lv. 1) - [spoiler= Jared Cyan]

Hitpoints: 1,000

Weapon Attack: Lightning Blast: 50

Defense: Dodge

Special Attack: Lightning Current: 75

Special Attack 2: Lightning Fang: 75

Ultimate Attack: Lightning Blade: 250


Wins: 0 Loses: 1EXP Points: 0 (Warning: 5%)




[spoiler= Character List]

-[spoiler= Zyach]


Weapon: Frostbite (Ice Staff)

Defense: Parry

Special Attack: Frost Shot

Special Attack 2: Frost Comet

Ultimate Attack: Frozen Bolt Nova.



- [spoiler= Sin]


Weapon: Terror Fangs.

Defense: Dodge

Special Attack: Throwing Dagger Blitz

Special Attack 2: Potion

Ultimate Attack: Shadow Strike.



-[spoiler= Niashi Inumaki]


Weapon Attack: Demon Wind Bomb

Defense: Substitution

Special Attack: Inumaki Combo

Special Attack 2: Training Manual!

Ultimate Attack: Rasendori


- [spoiler=Morwyn Vorreln]

Weapon Attack: Zweihander Crush (Zweihander is German for Two Hander) (A Great Sword)

Defense: Strafe

Special Atttack: Burst of Strength

Special Attack 2: Frenzy

Ultimate Attack: Cleaving Sky Piercer


-[spoiler= Miharu Iritisu]


Weapon: Tisurugi (Samurai Blade)

Defense: Block

Special Attack: Tisurugi Combo

Special Attack 2: Chara Blast

Ultimate Attack: Final Blow



-[spoiler= Jared Cyan]

Weapon Attack: Lightning Blast

Defense: Dodge

Special Attack: Lightning Current

Special Attack 2: Lightning Fang

Ultimate Attack: Lightning Blade


















[spoiler= Shop]

Increased Health: 100 - 20 EXP Points (Max. 20 until atleast 5 players are Lv. 15)

Increased Special Attack: 10 - 15 EXP Points (Max. 10 until atleast 3 players are Lv. 10)

Increased Healing: 50 - 10 EXP Points ( Max. 10 until atleast 3 players are Lv. 10)

Heal your Character: Full health - Free.

EXP Points: 1 - 5 Points. (Max. 20 a day).



[spoiler= Tournament Overseers (Help Wanted)]

I need to keep this game up almost all the time and also I cant do this by myself, If you want to be a Overseer you must post a paragraph about how you want to be a Overseer. I have to accept it over PM you may still have a character. Overseers get payed about 10 points a month . A total year is 120 Points.







[spoiler= Rights of Players and Over Seers]

Players: May have a character, can decline fights, and buy equipment from shops.


Overseers: May have a character, can decline fights, may vote in banning, can buy equipment from shop and get a 10%

Discount to anything in shops. May have a vote to rase or lower prices of shop but may not do something too stupid.


High Overseer (Me): May not have a character UNLESS no one is online but player requesting for duels, may stop fights if person is not answering, may automatically ban some one if broke more rules, may raise prices of shop.


Please give me any Ideas, Suggjestions, ETC.

Thank you[/align]

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Name: Jarred Cyan

Hitpoints: 1,000

Weapon Attack: Lightning Blast - Attack= 50

Defense: Dodge (Ideas: Parry, Dodge, Shield)

Special Attack: Lightning Current - Attack= 75 (Must be orignal no Hadoukens, Shoryukens, etc.)

Special Attack 2: Lightning Fang - Attack= 75 or Healing= 100 Hit Points (Healing and Attack be increased in shops)

Ultimate Attack: Lightning Blade - Attack= 250 or Healing= 300 Hit Points

Picture: Later

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