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Red eyes package

Grunt Issun

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ok so you guys all know what red eyes black dragon looks like but what about ultimate dragon, would he have 3 heads with glowing red eyes, body plates on his neck? what about red eyes zombie dragon, mecha dragon,

Red eyes UD: 4500atk 3000def fusion materials 3-red eyes black dragons. LVL 12


Red eyes ZD: 2700atk 2500def. this card can only be special summoned by removing from play 1 red eyes black dragon from the graveyard. LVL 8


red eyes MD: 3500atk 3000def. this card can only be special summoned by tributing 1 red eyes B dragon equipped with metal morph. LVL 7



feel free to make any suggestions, show good pictures, comment, or show similar cards.:D ok bye

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6/10-There's already a Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon and a Metal Dragon.



Bad OCG' date=' bap spelling, way [b']U[/b]P'd. 3/10


5/10. You tried, now make us want to play them. Give them cool names and effects.


Ah, yeah you're right. After re-reading carefully through all the bad spelling I see how they could be UP'd.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Bad OCG' date=' [b']bap[/b] spelling, way OP'd. 3/10


It's gooder than yours.


This is how I'd do them.


Red-Eyes Ultimate Dragon


Level: 12


"Red-Eyes Black Dragon" + 2 "Red-Eyes" monsters except "Red-Eyes B. Chick"

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. Once per turn' date=' you can send 1 card your opponent controls to the Graveyard, and this card loses 1000 ATK.

ATK/ 4500

DEF/ 3000


Red-Eyes Necrodragon


Level: 8


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 1 "Red-Eyes" monster in your Graveyard, except "Red-Eyes B. Chick".

ATK/ 2700

DEF/ 2500




I didn't bother with the last one because it's word-for-word the real one, except with more ATK and DEF and a lower Level. On what you did, I see you tried, but... 4/10.

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Unoriginal' date=' and I think UD is OP'd because that is exactly the same ATK as Blue Eyes UD. 3.5/10



It's actually UPed as it's weaker than BEUD as BEUD has 3900 DEF but His UD has 3000 def.

Altogether bad Idea, 2/10 as The last two are real cards.


Actually, it has 3800 DEF, and the Gold Series misprint has 3000. So, yeah...


But I agree with everything else you said.

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Unoriginal' date=' and I think UD is OP'd because that is exactly the same ATK as Blue Eyes UD. 3.5/10



It's actually UPed as it's weaker than BEUD as BEUD has 3900 DEF but His UD has 3000 def.

Altogether bad Idea, 2/10 as The last two are real cards.


Actually, it has 3800 DEF, and the Gold Series misprint has 3000. So, yeah...


But I agree with everything else you said.


I meant 3800, I was typing to fast. I had Rps to do.

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Unoriginal' date=' and I think UD is OP'd because that is exactly the same ATK as Blue Eyes UD. 3.5/10



It's actually UPed as it's weaker than BEUD as BEUD has 3900 DEF but His UD has 3000 def.

Altogether bad Idea, 2/10 as The last two are real cards.


Actually, it has 3800 DEF, and the Gold Series misprint has 3000. So, yeah...


But I agree with everything else you said.


I meant 3800, I was typing to fast. I had Rps to do.


Then I apologize for my rudeness.


Seriously, duelcreator, consider taking my designs.

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