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Kuro no Keiyakushu

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[align=center]Yeah, my computer's being fixed, so I'm using my laptop. My XP laptop that has a virus. So that means no GIMP until mid-December because that's when my computer will probably be fixed. So I'm stuck with Paint. Ewww. Like srsly, wtf. So out of boredom, I made a 2nd dA, but this one's for just sprites.


SoI was like, "Let's show these hoes some s***." And so I am.




On dA? Then comment and fave if you wish.

I won't be on YCM that much, being that my laptop is so motherf***ing slow, and I don't have the patience to wait like 5 minutes for each page to load. But I'll be back, OH I"LL BE BACK![/align]

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