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Dungeon Dice Monsters [Advanced for New Rules][Not Started]


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[spoiler=Plot] This RP is about the return of Dungeon Dice Monsters. You might remember the episode when Yugi battled Duke in the game. roll the dice and pay the price to win the DDM tournament!


[spoiler=Note] You can google DDM or Dungeon Dice Monsters for more info, because this was a real game. It was even manufactured for a few years.


[spoiler=Rules of RP] Normal YCM rules apply.


[spoiler=Rules of Game] 2-player game. You have 15 dice. You roll them to get crests which allow for actions. Ex., Attack Crests let you attack ,and s/t crests activate monster abilities. If you get matching Summon crests on 2 dice, you can summon 1. Ex. 2 dice land on on a LV2 summon crest. You can summon 1 of those 2. Battle other monsters and score 3 hits on opponent's Die Master (or summon Exodia) to win. Flying monsters move 1 space for 2 Movement crests.


[spoiler=Character Form] Name:






[spoiler=Dice Form (Must have 15 Dice)] Name of Dice:

LV ( 1, 2, 3, 4):

Type (Warrior, Spellcaster, Dragon, Zombie, Beast, or S/T):

No. of Hearts(lives)(dont't use for S/T):

Fly (above monsters), Tunnel(under monsters), or Walk(Normal)(dont' use for S/T, they dont move):

Attack flying monsters?(dont't use for S/T, they dont attack):

ATK (must be a multiple of 10)(No S/T):

DEF (must be a multiple of 10)(No S/T):


Crest 1:

Crest 2:

Crest 3:

Crest 4:

Crest 5:

Crest 6:


NOTE: Your monster will have summon crests for its level equal to 5 - it's level.Ex.; LV 4 monster will have 1 Summon Crest, and LV 2 will have 3 Summon Crests. The other crests will be Movement (moves monster), Attack (Lets monsters attack), Guard (Lets monsters defend), or Spell and Trap (activates effects).


[spoiler=Shop] PM me if you want to buy one. You will have to send points before claiming it. You can sell a die for certain price also.


None yet, sorry!


[spoiler=My Forms]

[spoiler=Character]Name: Robbie

Age: 11

Gender: M

Appearence: Jeans and red T-shirt. He has dark brown hair with a part on the right.


[spoiler=Dice #1]

Name of Dice: Breaker the Magical Warrior

LV: 2

Type: Spellcaster

No. of hearts: 3

Fly, Tunnel, or Walk: Walk

Attack flying monsters?: No

Effect(s): Remove 2 Spell Crests to remove 1 heart from a monster on the field.

ATK: 20

DEF: 10

Crest 1: Summon

Crest 2: Summon

Crest 3: Summon

Crest 4: Attack x 2

Crest 5: Movement x 4

Crest 6: Spell



[spoiler=Dice #2]

Name of Dice: Cannon Soilder MK-2

LV: 3

Type: Warrior

No. of Hearts: 4

Fly, Tunnel, or Walk: Walk

Attack flying monsters?: No

ATK: 30

DEF: 20

Effect(s): Remove 2 hearts from an ally and 6 Magic Crests to destroy 1 monster on the field and remove 1 heart from another.

Crest 1: Summon

Crest 2: Summon

Crest 3: Attack

Crest 4: Guard

Crest 5: Attack x2

Crest 6: Magic x7


[spoiler= Dice #3]Name of Dice: XYZ Dragon Cannon

LV: 4

Type: Spellcaster

No. of Hearts: 2

Fly, Tunnel, or Walk: Walk

Attack flying monsters?: No

ATK (must be a multiple of 10): 50

DEF (must be a multiple of 10): 20

Effect(s): Effect 1: Remove 3 Spell Crests +? Crests to destroy an amount of hearts on the field equal to ? removed.

Effect 2: Prevents all flying in play.

Crest 1: Summon

Crest 2: Movement

Crest 3: Guard

Crest 4: Attack

Crest 5: Spell

Crest 6: Trap


[spoiler= Dice #4] See Dice #3


[spoiler= Dice #5] See Dice #3


[spoiler= Dice #6] Name of Dice: Alien Overlord

LV: 3

Type: Spellcaster

No. of Hearts: 3

Fly, Tunnel or Walk: Walk

Attack flying monsters?: No

ATK (must be a multiple of 10): 20

DEF (must be a multiple of 10): 20

Effect(s): Remove Spell Crests equal to a monsters level x2 to take control of it for 3 turns. It cannot finsh enemy Die Master.

Crest 1: Summon

Crest 2: Summon

Crest 3: Movement x4

Crest 4: Guard x3

Crest 5: Spell

Crest 6: Spell


[spoiler= Dice #7] See Dice #6


[spoiler= Dice #8] See Dice #6


[spoiler= Dice #9] See Dice #1


[spoiler= Dice #10] See Dice #1


[spoiler= Dice #11] See Dice #1


[spoiler= Dice #12]Name of Dice: Lamb Tokens

LV: 1

Type: Beast

No. of Hearts: 4

Fly, Tunnel, or Walk: Walk

Attack flying monsters?: No

ATK (must be a multiple of 10): 0

DEF (must be a multiple of 10): 10

Effect(s): N/A

Crest 1: Summon

Crest 2: Summon

Crest 3: Summon

Crest 4: Summon

Crest 5: Movement x5

Crest 6: Attack



[spoiler= Dice #13] Name of Dice: My Body As A Shield


Type: S/T

Effect(s): Sacrifice to prevent destruction of 1 allied monster by giving up 3 Hearts from allied monster(s) or Die Master.

Crest 1: Summon

Crest 2: Summon

Crest 3: Summon

Crest 4: Summon

Crest 5: Spell x3

Crest 6: Guard x2


[spoiler= Dice #14] See Dice #13


[spoiler= Dice #15] Name of Dice: Time Wizard

LV: 1

Type: Spellcaster

No. of Hearts: 1

Fly, Tunnel, or Walk: Walk

Attack flying monsters?: No

ATK (must be a multiple of 10): 0

DEF (must be a multiple of 10): 10

Effect(s): When played, destroy weakest enemy monster.

Crest 1: Summon

Crest 2: Summon

Crest 3: Summon

Crest 4: Summon

Crest 5: Attack

Crest 6: Movement x2



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