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The Vongola Family of YCM (Always Accepting!)

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[color=#FF4500][spoiler=Club]We here are members of a secret society, living on YCM. We are here to basically do whatever we want, but also to help those in need.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Rules]Don't break em. 1:Don't spam. 2:Don't discriminate others. 3:Please refrain from any religous and political statements. 4: Please do not insult other people for prejudiced reasons. That is all...for now.[/spoiler]
Storm Guardian - Kailyn Kyosuke
Sky Guardian - Zero
Sun Guardian - Ogico Irou
Thunder Guardian - Darklink401
Rain Guardian - Chant
Mist Guardian - ShadowParadox
Cloud Guardian -ZhaneX

These 7 will be the group's Leaders. Each person here has the same voting power (save for me...>.> If theres dispute, I'll make the final decision) and can accept new members. Also...if at least 3 other guardians find you guilty of spam (not including whatever I think you're doing) you will be given one strike. After 3 strikes, u get banned from the club for a week.
Also, Guardians, I trust you not to spam...(remember...the topic is wide for a reason) so Ill be a bit stricter with you than the regular members (once we get some).

All other members are considered to be our "Associates" or "Family"...which is still good xD.

Varia -
Varia Leader - Nexev
Varia Prodigy - Omega
Varia Knight - Lord DemonX
Varia Prince - Haseo
Varia Beast Tamer - Sakuya Izayoi
Varia Psychiatrist - BrokenHeart15

Vongola Shadower - Fang (First-In-Command of the regular members)
Vongola Mafioso - Le` Createur

[spoiler=Member Cards][img]http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/3633/233893mm.jpg[/img][img]http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/2139/361590w.jpg [/img][img]http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/243/100090.jpg[/img][img]http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/3003/373087m.jpg[/img][img]http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/2865/301066.jpg[/img][img]http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/8928/217544.jpg[/img][img]http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/8243/247845.jpg[/img][img]http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/2008/51578.jpg[/img][img]http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/1940/165949.jpg[/img][img]http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/6476/172761q.jpg[/img][img]http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/3040/193743.jpg[/img][img]http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/2903/249343z.jpg[/img][img]http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/5209/426825k.jpg[/img][img]http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/8943/70173.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Affiliates] http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-161159.html - The YCM Mafia[/spoiler]

RP : http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-174331.html
An Awesome AMV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU3e_NL28ec >.> hope you fans out there enjoy ^^

To join, post a card with ur username. >.>

NOTE: We now have 7 Guardians and 7 Varia! All new members will be regular family members![/color]
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too bad he seems to have died...


Gokudera was like badas, now he's just like, too lighthearted. I feel when he met tsuna he got a peraonality change (which may actually be vital to pointing out that Tsuna can change ppl)


Actually, if I remember correctly, at the beginning of the series, Reborn wasn't even 1 yet...

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Oh I am! I'm a huge fan of KHR! It's my favorite manga! Here's my card that I made quickly, how is it?

[spoiler=Cloud Guardian ZhaneX]217544.jpg[spoiler=Card Lore]Once per turn you may tribute 1 monster on your side of the field (Other than this card). Increase this card's ATK by half that of the tributed card. When this card is destroyed search your deck for 1 "Vongola Guardian"-type card and add it to your hand.



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