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Amazing contest! 1st prize 6 reps and 100 points


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In this contest you have to make a set of 30 - 40 cards and if you can a structer deck for them too. They all need to be dragon, warrior, beast, zombie, rock, reptile, fiend or machine. Spells, traps, rituals, fusions, effect monster and normal monsters are allowed, there has to be effect monster, normal monster, spells and traps no matter what. No more than 5 normal monsters. No more than 15 spells and traps. No more than 2 fusions and no more than 1 ritual. Must have atleast 10 spells and traps. Must have atleast 3 normal monsters. If you like you can have no fusions or rituals. Most have to be effect monsters.

Ends 5th January 2008


1st = 6 reps and 100 points

There is only one winner.

Good luck.



Winnier = no-one as nobody fished their entry

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Good, there's still quite a long time left


Edit: only 9 days left and nobodies fished yet


Edit: hello, guys this contest ends in 4 days, so hurry up!


Edit: hurry up if nobody finishes an entery then nobody wins which means i get to keep an extra 100 points so hurry up


Edit: no-one finished so no-one won

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