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Plant/Effect/DIVINE/12 Stars

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by its own effect. "There can only be 1 "Yggdrasil" on the field at a time. This card cannot be selected as an attack target. If this is not the only monster you control, destroy this card. This cards ATK and DEF is equal to your life points. During your Draw Phase, you can draw 1 card in addition to your normal draw. Once during your turn, you can send 1 Monster card in your hand to the Graveyard to increase your life points with an ammount equal to the sent monsters ATK. When this card is removed from the field, destroy all cards on the field and in both players hands. If this card exists in your Graveyard during your Standby Phase, you can discard your entire hand to Special Summon it.



This is what my Make-A-Wish card would look like.

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