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Splice Insanity *PHR33 ST00F H3R3*

Imma Mario

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[align=center]Hey Nubors. This is not one of those Splice Shops where it is free and you get a .jpg or some crap 3 second one. These have effort put into them.



1. No Ordering Charizard + Pikachu please.

2. No Double Posting your order if I havn't done yours because I have a harder order I would like to get done with.

3. No Begging for me to do yours over someone else.

4. The Waiting List is there for a reason.

5. Your Splices will be PM'd to you.


7. Be Creative in your Orders. EG: Moltres + Buneary (DO NOT ORDER THIS)

8. ALWAYS (No exceptions) use Forms.

9. When Ordering while I am Offline, Only Order up to TWO Things. When I am online Order up to SIX Splices at once but you might get put as VIO(Very Important Order) Which will be High Priority.





A Splice is where I Mix Two or Three Pokemon together to make a Brand New Pokemon.



Pokemon 1:

Pokemon 2:

Pokemon 3(Optional):

Name for Splice(I would like something to name it as):





A Recolour is where I get the Colour from one pokemon and put it onto another.


Example: It is obvious isn't it?



Original Pokemon:

Other Pokemon:






[spoiler=.:Waiting List:.]









[spoiler=.:VIP Customers:.]

To get on this List of Five you must be Invited. Begging to be on the list will get you banned from my shop.

1. ?The-Riddler? (Works Here)








[spoiler=.:Banned Members:.]

Noone, Luckily.





.:Imma Mario:.[/align]

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