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Blood Wake------A Vampire/Lycan RP (Advanced/started/ pg-16/Accpeting)


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james starts to walk around Blood Wake to think about everything that had happened and he walked past the High School, That's where it all began, isn't it? Where I met Lilly and Nico. James starts to smile at remembering the fight that happened between him and Nico before walking on. "Starting to rain, huh?" he sais as a raindrop fell on his head, "How fitting..." James continues to walk around Blood Wake until he got home.

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OoC: Dont want to sound like a mod, but if we go on like that this rp is going to be closed... >_<


IC: "Where the hell is Nico with my sister..." Lilly growled. "I have to get back. Certainly that jerk is dead" She run back through the forest, still in her lycan form. She breaked through the trees when she sensed other lives. Two vampires and a... human? Certainly they hunted him down.

Lilly heads toward the area. There is always time to kill some vampires...

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Seito smiles then jumps up into the tree as he yelled out "How about we play some video games later or something?! I don't like killing I get my supply of blood from somewhere else." He smiles down at Kurama. He looks behind him as he heard something running in their direction as he start jumping from tree to tree toward the direction of the running.

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Kurama was shoked " A vampire!!" . He points his revolvers at him "Don't move!" But then he saw the girl that he saw before cutting down a tree , she certainly noticed him..... " I can take 1 but 2?...." Kurama was nervous , he slowly walk back still pointing his guns at the vampires . "Look out !, this isn't ordinary guns , i warn you , don't get a step closer!"

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