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Mannequin(Runs by the rules effective 12/2) PG-16

Christian Exodia

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The date is June 3, 2021. After the famous(And very kookoo in the head)scientist Helen Danabaker & her crew of five assistants disappeared, many others disappeared, most coming back strange. Their mouths, plus other body parts, were sewed on there, & they acted mindless. Who will find out who? Who will become a Mannequin? Who will be killed?



Name: Alex Ryder

Age: 13

Scientist Assistant(Limited to 5)/Detective/Mannequin: Detective

Appearance: Do it soon

When they got suspicious & story of how he/she escaped(Detectives only, and the last part if you did): When his parents came back, the first returning strange(Others came before normal), but Alex returned beforehand. It was as he jumped out the window & landed on a flatbed truck with pillows.

Skills: Fast Fingers-Swift with his hands & fingers, Flexibility, & Stealth

Weaknesses: He loves Music, & will stop, same with Television, & he not fast on his feet.

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