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Boss Quest

Don Shadow

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i create a boss while you're on a journey and you gotta beat it.



1. create a level, stages, and areas.

2. create enemies

3. create an arena and/or REAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY long path for the boss to tread on

4. create a barrier so the player can't escape.

5. don't create a safety rail.

6. create a certain amount of lives


LEVEL 1 Dontopia

STAGE 1 Jail Break-Out


you start in your cells. there is an escape hatch, but it's too high. you see a springboard(an object that can get you to areas you usually can't reach in the game.) that is pointing toward another on the wall, eaqual to the hight of the escape hatch. it's pointing toward it. what do you do?(it's obvious)

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