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Sonic Riddles! Get 1 right getta + Rep!

Silver The Hedgehog

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[align=center]Simple... guess a Riddle like A Character, Chaos Emerald, Stage, Song, just guess it right and getta rep.


[spoiler=~Master Emerald~]

I grant eternal power, I am limitless and I am stuck here, being guarded...


Hint: Being guarded by a red beast...


Solved by: .:Ultimate Lifeform:.





I am born from flames themselves, I lost my mind and was seperated, but one day, when we fuse, I allow Time to be freely by passed...


Hint: Who caused the flames of disaster, and who was reunited to form the god of soleanna...


Solved by: galesonic




[spoiler=~Metal Sonic~]

I am an Arch Enemy of the hero, I was sadley not included in Next Gen, Black Night, and Unleashed.


Hint:Arch Enemy, but not a Freind.


Solved by: galesonic




[spoiler=~Live and Learn~]

I have rythem that makes you learn from your mistakes




Solved by: galesonic




[spoiler=~Sir Percival~]

My Identity is from the knights of the round table, and my sword defies death itself...




Solved by: .:Ultimate Lifeform:.




[spoiler=~Metal Madness~]

I abosorb only Negitive emerald energy, and caused great destruction...


Hint: Only the NEGITIVE energy...


Solved by:Myself >_>





I am the Best Freind of a girl that did not fit in with other people, and we were best freinds ever since...


Hint: HER


Solved By:bakupenguin





I am a cute little guy, and I keep following this girl...


Hint:Little Guy


Solved by:galesonic




[spoiler=~Black Wave~]

I am a move that is used almost no times, and was used by a flying animal...


Hint:From SA(B)2


Solved by:PlasmaTheHero




[spoiler=~Metal Sonic~]

Just by looking at me, you can tell, I am a opposite clone.


Hint: Dead giveaway.


Solved by:Ice




[spoiler=~Tails Doll~]

I am a genius...


Hint: I was in an old Sonic Game... and I was scary....


Solved By: Dark Spine Sonic



[spoiler=~Shade the Echidna~]

I control Shadows themselves...


Hint: -None as of now-


Solved By: Dark Spine Sonic



[spoiler=~Chaos Spear~]

This move will give you shocking bombardment...


Hint: -None as of Now-


Solved by:




[spoiler=Riddle 13]

I was born from the Chaos Emeralds themselves, and now I am faceing my rival!


HINT: He was in the newspaper.


Solved by:



[spoiler=People I owe reps to]




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