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Pokemon Role Playing Game! Earn Prizes! Started, As many people can join as possable!

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okay im back, all list all new comers soon, the rules are on the first post, i updated the first post (always check it for updates) with the first gym, its bug type


okay a battle:


arppe jajo(1) vs. duckdude(2)


Pincun(2) vs. Skurrio(1) = Skurrio(1) wins

Skurrio(1) vs. Inferbat(2) = Inferbat(2) wins

Inferbat(2) vs. Waltad(1) = Waltad(1) wins

Winnings: Waltad levels up once


over all winner: arpee jajo


oh and feel free to challange each other and work it out yourselfs, like i said im barely on anymore... after new years ill be back on alot more...


also no, you cant get more than 1 starter, no matter what, sorry.. well if you deffet all 8 gyms you can i guess

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okay im back' date=' all list all new comers soon, the rules are on the first post, i updated the first post (always check it for updates) with the first gym, its bug type


okay a battle:


arppe jajo(1) vs. duckdude(2)


Pincun(2) vs. Skurrio(1) = Skurrio(1) wins

Skurrio(1) vs. Inferbat(2) = Inferbat(2) wins

Inferbat(2) vs. Waltad(1) = Waltad(1) wins

Winnings: Waltad levels up once


over all winner: arpee jajo



Yay, I win!

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Try Pe2K's URPG, it's like this only alot batter, and a LOT bigger, look me up on Pe2K, here are my trainer stats: CLICK! it's alot of fun, you can make your pokemon any color, and start with any first stage pokemon that evolves. you can buy pokemon with money earned on this site (not real money of course) or you can right storys for them. I got my Magikarp via story.

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