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Armour-contest (over)


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Remember the Armour-cards of Valon? I want you to create a brand new branch of Armour-cards. Not cards that enhance the old ones of Valon, but a new set.


Let`s say, each participant may send in 5 cards and they will be judged by me and (if you want) your cards are participating in my story "The Elemental Duellists".



1st place - 3 rep + 10 points

2nd place - 2 rep + 5 points

3rd place - 1 rep + 1 point


Contest is over the 22th december.



- The Average Guy

- Ixigo

- MasterSepman

- ChronosCrowler

- King of Games

- Marik2007

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Never heard of them' date=' never will.


Merry christmas.



Because you phail.


Waking the Dragons was like... the best Yugioh season ever, easily.


I'm in, but I'll have to rewatch these episodes to remember the mechanics, or at least scan them through yugioh-wiki.

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