Psycho Shocker Android Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 So yeah I found the sheet I used to calc the LP and decided to post this. My friend was going for an MTG tourney (legacy) and I decided to go with him even though I had no deck just to chill with some of my friends. It was at face to face and around noon I saw Sacha who is a yugioh player and asked him why he was there and he told me it was for the yugioh local tournament. I was a bit surprised because I didn’t know there was one on Sundays. Anyway I had a chaos deck but I’ve been playing it for like 3 months now so I was getting pretty bored playing that so since I recently got a brionac I decided to build destiny zombies minutes before the tourney. There was alot of players we were 30 and if you add the 35 for MTG there was a lot of people in the store. So round 1 is announced and I don’t know my round 1 opponent but my friend says he’s running GB. Round 1 : vs GB guy Game 1 :My hand is all monster and he has chariot so I’m in a tough spot. I think he played chariot 6 times on me mostly when attacking goblins and tomato so I never had a chance to combo anything. But I still managed to keep gyzarus and herk out until he finally got me with rescue cat. Game2 :I board 3 thunderkings, 3 oppressions and 2 jujitsu master.I have oppression early with stratos and mezuki to beat him down very fast. Game 3 :I take out dustshoot for dust tornado since I get to go 2nd.He has Icarus Attack to kill my oppression but after I managed to negate a sp summon and that got me a nice advantage I think he has a chariot so I remove mali to test him he negates with chariot then I brain control + krebons FTW. Round 2 : vs Skill Drain Game 1 :I get to go first I set sangan and torrential. He has typhoon cyber dragon and summons fusillier. He hits me for 2100. My turn chimeratech fortress and he never managed to come back after this. Game 2 :I board tornadoesHe has the turn 1 skill drain with goblins and plenty of answers in the back row. I try to storm he bribes and my monsters aren’t great (I have stratos armageddon and krebon). I bottomless his fusillier and I start to draw more useless monsters so I lost pretty quickly to his huge warriors. Game 3 :I get out colossal fighter cuz he’s running shrink. I manage to suicide into fusillier and kill something else. I then bring back plague with mezuki to synch with a goblin and with stardust + colossal out his skill drain seems to be pretty good for me. He tops nothing to help and he scoops. Round 3 : vs Anthony Mosca (BW) Game 1 :I go first open with dustshoot he has one of the worst hand ever. (double bora sirroco kalut blizzard whirlwind) I bottomless his sirroco and win 2 turns later. Game 2 :I board 3 tunderking 2 jujitsuHe has shura and 2 whirlwind I still manage to storm the wirlwind with a BTH but he has oppression next turn and I can’t do anything after that to come back. Game 3 :He rams into my jujitsu and the turn later he has to use bora with gale and he’s forced to get another one of his monster spun. He lost the tempo there and drew MbaaS a turn to late to save him from a devastating BTH on sirroco. Round 4 : vs another BW He’s new to the game so his BW deck is a bit rubbish (no vayu). Game 1 :This one went very fast I manage to get brionac out with DAD on my 2nd turn with solemn to back them up. Game 2 :I side 2 kings and 2 jujitsu (I want to keep the psycho commander since he over-extends a lot and BRD can cripple him) He has whirlwind on his first turn but I have raigeki break and stratos to neutalize it. A turn later I summon psycho commander and attacks his bora he tries to icarus but I only have the commander out he says he can target his own icarus but the judge says he can’t (of course lol) so he gave me a lot of info there. So I set solemn in MP2 with force. He sets a monster (lol) I summon sangan syncro brionac get plague uses brionac to get 3 darks in the grave summon DAD. GG Round 5 : final round vs James Neumann the only other undefeated player (Lazaro zombie) Game 1 :I start set goblin set storm (trying to pro storm). He mirrors me. I sac for caius removes his goblin atk for 2400. He flips his storm then gets mad when he sees I did the same thing. He sets a couple of cards. I’m cautious I attack with caius and set another monster. After some turns attacking face downs he finally gets a 3rd dark in grave for DAD but I have solemn so he scoops. He tells me he had torrent but wanted to pro storm lol thats what you get when you get too much greedy. Game 2 :I board the kycoos and I take out dustshoot for an oppression.It’s his turn to try to caius my goblin zombie but I have torrent (LOL). I attack him with stratos. He calls his caius back takes my stratos down. I get to a point where I can kill him but it’s risky since I have to use all my cards so I ask him if he has gorz he says maybe (lol he has it). So I bluff I’m going for the kill he doesn’t scoop and says I might screw up. I fake the screw up keeping some cards to deal with gorz. When he summons Gorz I bounce him with the token back using brionac. He tries to come back but I raigeki break his set S/T attack tomato set mirror behind stardust so even dad can’t save him. He tops dad and scoops when he sees the mirror force. Top 8 : the same new BW player It was very similar to our first encounter it’s just that after siding I still kept the commander and this time I managed to BRD 4 cards in game 2. Top 4 : vs a guy playing slapnik zombie Game 1 :I set goblin zombie. I raigeki break his face down discarding mezuki. I kill him on my 2nd turn. It ended up with brionac stardust zombie master and revived king ha des. My hand was broken : plague goblin mezuki raigeki break foolish zombie master. Game 2 :I board 2 kycoo and oppresisonIt gets to a point where he has mezuki and goblin zombie in his grave and I know he has plague in his hand so I decide not to synch since brionac will murder anything that comes out but he also has zombie master so he gets enough dmg to kill me. Game 3 :I keep the oppressionI kycoo mali and mezuki. He brains my kycoo uses burial sp summons DaD I flip oppression. He gives me kycoo back. I remove the mali and mezuki again. He tops BTH but can’t stop kycoo. Top 2 : vs Anthony Mosca again We decide to split since my friend dropped the MTG tourney and wants to go I get 15$ store credit for a free tourney I take mist wurm. Here’s the decklist : [spoiler=(Ready Zombies)]Total : 42Monsters : 211 dark armed dragon1 caius the shadow monarch2 destiny hero malicious1 elemental hero stratos1 zombie master2 mezuki2 destiny hero diamond dude1 psycho commander1 blackwing gale the whirlwind2 krebons2 goblin zombie1 sangan1 plaguespreader zombie Spells : 142 allure of darkness2 destiny draw2 foolish burial2 burial from a different dimension1 lightning vortex1 heavy storm1 brain control1 reinforcement of the army1 emergency teleport1 mystical space typhoon Traps : 071 mirror force1 torrential tribute1 trap dustshoot1 raigeki break1 solemn judgement2 bottomless trap hole Side : 153 thunder king rai oh2 kycoo the ghost destroyer2 legendary jujitsu master2 dust tornado3 threatening roar3 royal oppression Extra : 151 red dragon archfiend2 colossal fighter (now 1 mist wurm)1 thought ruler archfiend2 stardust dragon1 blackwing armor master1 black rose dragon1 arcanite magician1 goyo guardian1 revived king ha des1 doomkaiser dragoin1 brionac, dragon of the ice barrier1 magical android (now 1 aoj catastor)1 chimeratech fortress dragon We had a lot of good players like Yannick Dubeau, James Neumann, Anthony Mosca, Michael Theodory... So winning this is good, plus the meta was very representative of what the regional is going to look like. (I have a reg. on nov 28) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenzoTheHarpist Posted November 25, 2009 Report Share Posted November 25, 2009 Nice, I always like your tourney reports thanks to their high level. To bad we didn't get a top 2 result. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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