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Mini Geo Bee


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This is basically a Geography Bee where I'll give you questions and you send me a private message with all the answers. The one with the most questions correct will get 20 points.

Second place:5 points

third place:1 point

Do not post the answers. Then nobody will be able to answer them and just use a cheat sheet. The questionsare random World questions.



1.Name a country completely inside another country?


2.What is the capitol of Cuba?


3.What continent is the place where guinea pigs originally come from?


4.What country has the same name as a state?


5.Was South Africa always a country?


6.Was Russia always a country?


7.Which is bigger? Europe or Asia?


8.Name the Top 3 largest deserts.


9.Georgia is famous for making what 3 things?


10.Where is the Basketball U.S. Hall of Fame?


11.What is the second tallest building in the world?


12.What is the biggest lake in North America?


* From Quito,Ecuador,going straight north(on a map)to Cuba,What 2 countries would you pass through?


Good Luck!!!

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