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Yugioh:Dark Signers vs The Society Of Light(not started)


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Hello this is my first role play so you can post saying improvements.






The Society Of Light and Dark Signers thought each other soon when an new powerful card was hidden in an academy still they search for this card today in 2009.Soon the chancellor grew mad so he told the students to stop their task.Who will win and collect the legendary card.Ill be the leader of the dark signers.



[spoiler=You should know]


If an character loses a duel against an member of the light then the student becomes brainwashed into the light.


If an character loses against an dark signer they become an dark signer.


If an dark signer or member of the light loses against a student they become back to normal.


Only some of the dark signers will have an earthbound immortal.




to join this role play you must pm me an app.




student,light or dark signer:



signature card:

dorm:(only for students)




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