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my gladiator beast deck


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i havent bought the cards yet, and im hoping you guys could fill in the missing cards. thanks ^^



please rate/fix this deck.


> = generally good card


monsters [total = 23]

G B alexander x1>

G B spartacus x2>

G B murmillo x2>

G B Bestiari x2>

G B laqauri x3>

G B Hoplomus x2>

G B Dimacari x2>

G B secutor x2>

test ape x2>

Witch doctor of Sparta x2>

mirage dragon x2>

gladiator beast torax x1>


spells [total =13]

colosseum - cage of the gladiator beast's x2

field barrier x2 [stalls for colosseum to get counters]

gladiator beast's battle manica x3

heavy storm x1

mystical space typhoon x1

gladiator beast's respite x2

gladiator's return x2


traps [total = 7]

waboku x3 [good for keeping my beasts alive so they can use their effects.]

Disarm x1 [amazing spell negator]

Parry x1 [amazing trap negator]

defensive tactics x2



43 cards.


fusion deck

gladiator beast heraklinos x1

gladiator beast gaoidiaz x2




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If you want to see a REAL Gladiator Beast Deck, go to Yugioh Card Maker Forum / Yu-Gi-Oh / Your Deck / Gladiator Beasts


The #1 card that every GB deck needs is GB Heraklinos (Secret Rare). He can negate and destroy any Spell and Trap card you opponent plays, as long as you discard 1 card from your hand. He is the best.

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