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How Do You Fight?


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I said if Its someone alot bigger than me, like a 23 year old who stole my cousions bike one time.

We got him with some cousions and got my cuz bike back.

I usualy fight by myself and I dont usualy start the fight but if they want to run their mouth like a mouse I will knock them so they can shut the h up.

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same tkill' date=' boxing for the punching and ive been taught CQC, xD if anyone has played metal gear, its off that, but its really just close quaters combat



For me, not only for the punching. For the stamina, the endurance, the ability to counter and dodge punches as well as throw them. I think theres a lot more to it than just punching.

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I use boxing' date=' mixed with street fighting. I don't choose fights, but if someone takes a swing at me I know how to react and defend myself. And it's happened a couple times, so far I havent been taken down yet.



I don't go around randomly choosing fights, they happen for a reason, if they swing for me, they regret it, if they "attack" a mate or my family.


They regret it.

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