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What are teirs?



4 answers to this question

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They're rank so for example


Tier 1: LS

Tier 2: BW


You get the point.


Ignore this retarded comment.


"Tiers" are used to divide decks in 3 (sometimes 4 categories) depending on their power. Tier 0 are the strongest and Tier 3 are the weakest decks. There are a lot of different ways to determine them but the one that most players are using is based on big events like Shonen Jumps and Regionals. (Worlds and Nationals are excluded, because they are only once a year :S)


Tier 1: Decks who frequently top Shonen Jumps and regionals. (e.g. Lightsworn, Destiny Hero Zombies and Blackwings)


Tier 2: Decks who sometimes top Shonen Jumps and regionals. (e.g. Gladiator Beasts, Chaos, Gadgets and a lot more ...)


Tier 3: Every other deck. These decks are mostly for fun duels with friends.


Tier 0: God Tier: When a deck frequently gets 10+ tops in Shonen Jumps.


Note: "Top" means getting a good place. 1-16 in Shonens and 1-8 in Regionals.

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