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Into The Unknown <A text-based adventure!>


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Your eyes flicker open. You have no idea who you are, what you are, hell...you don't even know what gender you are! Your whole mind is a haze. You think you're blind until you realise the ceiling is painted black, and so are the walls, but the floor is a bright white. In the far corner is a mouse hole, and a cardboard box is in the centre of the room. There is no other markings apart from a spider-web in the far top corner.


What do you do?


[spoiler=Read first.]For normal chat in this thread and to chat with others, have no marking for your sentence.


For a movement of the main character, put a '>' sign in front of your sentence. Example:


>Eat own feet.


More symbols may come in the future.


If you think someone has a good idea, you may quote that post and state 'seconded' (or thirded, fourthed, and so on.). This means that command has a higher chance of being chosen.


I will try to update at least once a day, probably more.


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