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Ultimate card of the century


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my ultimate card of the century soon to be turned into a card


Ten-God Dragoon:


Limited Edition


5 Headed Dragon + 5 Headed dragon or 5 dragon type monsters

This card is not effected by the effects of light and dark attribute monsters. This card cannot be attacked by light and dark attribute monsters. You can negate an attack to a dragon monster by tributing this card. If this card is in the graveyard during your end phase special summon it to your side of the field in defense mode. This card cannot change battle position exept by card effect.




Advanced Format: Limited

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no i just made this up for fun its just there for people to write ways to defeat it once i turn it into a card ill make the forum cool ways to beat a baby ten god dragoon like putting it in a microwave until it explodes


Punctuation is your friend. But that's the point. If you REALLY want to make it the "Ultimate Card of the century", you've got to make it tough to defeat ANY WAY POSSIBLE.

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