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synchro monsters and tuner monsters???



ok, first off, ...YAWN...

ive been away for soooo long. when i wanted to get back, i've seen these new subtypes, TUNER, SYNCHRO, GEMINI????


whats all this and what happened to my original TCG the way i used to play it... what new show changed the nature of the game again?


wow, as i write this, theres a commercial about YGO, so wtf is a ancient fairy dragon? what happened to my good old metor black dragon?


gimme awnsers plz (i just came back from scholar hibernation lol)

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12 answers to this question

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They were released.


To Synchro Summon, you need 1 Tuner and a few non-Tuner monsters. Same as Fusion Summon, but different in one way or another.


To Synchro Summon, the Synchro Material Monsters must have their levels add up to the Level of the one to be Synchro Summoned, no more, no less.


If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check the Internet.

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You must have been gone a LONG time if you played when MBD was good. I had left too and came back to these Synchros and Geminis. They're not hard to understand once you learn about 'em.


Like Saikano said, for Synchros the levels must match exactly.

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They are effect monsters that are treated as normal monsters. You can re-normal summon' date=' to hae its effect activated. If you re summon the gemini then you cannot normal summon once again that turn, without a card effect.



They are only treated as normal monsters in the while face-up on the field and in the graveyard. When you second summon them, they gain their effects and start being treated as effect monsters until they are flipped face-down/removed from the field/things like that.

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