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[Basic] Gifted [Accepting] [Started] [PG-13]

Tokyo Duel

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OOC:ya i was talking to you


IC: "hello Kinetix, my name is Austin, but if you want you may call me Holon" Austin said calmly and he continued talking by telling Kinetix what has recently happened and how we all were planning on maybe training a little or not and then raiding the corrupt.

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Azura sat down in his room... or what was left of it. After the "incident" he was never the same again, but who would blame him he killed his own parents a burden he will keep for the rest of his life. He was thinking about this when he heard the door open "Were just here to help" a man called out. But Azura knew the truth they would take him somewhere and lock him up. No, He concentrated on the palm of his hand and a small fire began to flicker, then it rose higher and higher until it could touch the sealing. "Im not going anywhere!" said Azura as he flung the ball of fire. he jumped off the the balcony, but what was a 2 story drop was nothing for him, suprisingly. As he ran into the night filled sky he could here the the group of people screaming behin him.

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^ OoC: Wow... nice roleplaying ^


IC: Shina looks at the newcomer "Hi Kinetix nice to meet you..." after a few seconds passed she noticed that it would be a good idea to introduce herselve. "Oh, and im Shina... But many people call me Kirsh, even if i dont know the reason any more..."

Shina looks on the now bigger group.

"So whats next? Are we waiting for others to join us? You´re quite a funny group, you know?"

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Ooc : atleast say im the bad corrupted that destroyed the house :P




Ic : When the lift doors oppened the was a huge hall full of people (Followers ) walking around and people on computers to localize the Sanctums on the world "Well that's my home" said he smiling "Big éh?" he then walked to a other room , it was a huge arena "this is the training area " on the area there were 2 Followers fighthing . Kiru went to a other room , a huge room with a immense throne in the center "Well thats my room." He then sat dwn on him throne and pushes a special button , "Yella ? could you call Yestor?" after some seconds a man entered "Yes chief?"

"Yestor could you send a squad to the place where i destroyed that house , there were many Sanctrums there , check the area around "

"Yes chief" and he left the room. Kuri looks at Nate "Well how do you think about my "house"?"

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Name: Otto P. Joltingson


*Nickname: Ditto


Gender: Female


Age: 17


Allifiation: Sanctum


Power: Self-Replication


Personality: Flirty and tends to wink at people.


Appearance: Pink Hair an Purple Eyes




Strength: 8

Speed: 9

Regeneration Rate: 8

(All powers take up an amount of energy, this decides how fast it'll recharge)

Stanima: 7

Jumping: 10


(This decides how good you are at the manipulation of your powers)

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"Hi, Guys thanks for the welcome. so whats the plan? are we going to get some training in before we face the corrupted?" Kokoro said running his fingers through his hair. "I can manipulate kinetic energy and move things telekinetically if anyone was wondering... But I have no problem practicing a bit." He said as he tossed a few pebbles that had been in his pocket.

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Jarred points his hand to the ground, and, without toucing it, made some tiny pebbles rise.

"I can kinda do that...not so good at it though" he says as he puts his arm back down "Because of the electrons in the material, but the more electrons, the heavier the item is, so the harder it is for me to control it...What about you? Does it work the same way with you?"

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Yestor came back with some papers " Chief! there is a small group of Sanctums in the forest north of here! here are the coordinates" he gave a small computer to Kuri , he smiles "Hehehe , lets bombard them..." He then pushed on the button again "Yella , prepare the rackets , there will be some explosions soon" .

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Austin sits down looking like he is deep in thought, a few seconds later he gets up and says


"we should leave the town........ we are attracting to much commotion just being here.......i mean you guys are showing each other your powers and i look like the worlds biggest nightlight!"gefhx says in a comedic(funny) mood and continues by saying


"also the corrupt are most likely already training by now....so we should be training as well."

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OOC: all the sanctums are just about to leave the town and the corrupts are off in the middle of who noes where


"hmmm.......the sanctum i sensed earlier.....my guess is that he can freeze time because for some reason every body but me stopped moving for a second."gefhx says back in his calm mood and continues by saying "we should find him/her he/she would be a help in a battle."

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