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[Basic] Gifted [Accepting] [Started] [PG-13]

Tokyo Duel

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OOC:@ jonny

not much we left you in town and me and Jarred taught James how to use his powers((he has fainted now though))


also i was posting until 4am((eastern standard time))((Note: i could not sleep! lol)) so that probably did the trick lol


IC: *turns to Kinetix*

"oh hi Kinetix....*yawns*..."Austin says while getting up, and doing a flip to wake himself up

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"morning jarred, james is still K.O'd from training yesterday."Austin explains as he looks into the bag of supplies, "uhh, guys we have got a problem.....something or someone stole all of our food!"Austin remarks. "did anyone see someone or a animal sneak into this bag last night?" Austin asked

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*Austin walks over to the tank*

"ok all i found in the tank for food was vitamins and a few bottles of water."Austin says as he throws 4 vitamins in his mouth and takes a bottle of water


"so what are we going to do for food? i mean we will stand no chance against the corrupt on empty stomachs considering we wont have the energy to fight."Austin asked

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"If only we had a Sanctum that could control water...Or maybe a lake, I could catch fish real easy by sending currents through the water..." Jarred says walking around "And for water, if there is a river nearby, we'll use that...Even if we run out of fish...there's always bugs.." Jarred catches a bug from a tree and throws it into his mouth

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*try's to resist puking*

"ok..*burp*..how about we look for a river."Austin suggested as he runs and pukes into the spike pit "hmm for some reason someone eating a bug grosses me out but me repeatedly jabbing someone having blood going everywhere doesn't.....ill never get that."Austin said to himself and continued by saying "technically i could make a barrier of energy in the water so you could electrocute and kill all the fish....all we would need is a net to catch the sinking fish."Austin said while looking in the tank for a net

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Jarred shakes his head "We must not kill all the fish...We will need some fish alive in order for them to reproduce...But I can get around that...We could just go diving for them..."

He walks over to an entrance into the deeper forest and places his ear on the ground; listining for a while. Jarred then stands and says "Sounds like running water in that direction...should we go?"

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"the only nearby town burnt down remember.but you can check the road leading away i remember there being a general store."Austin said while throwing him two 100 dollar bill's and then saying "you see if you can find a shop, while me and Jarred will go fishing."Austin suggested

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"coming also." *Austin shows jarred a wallet full of 100$ bills((literally filled to the brim))*.

When Austin reaches the river he puts down his wallet and creates a powerful barrier around it as he jumps into the river and comes out with four Bass biting him and one is his hand

"you should see it in there its like the mall during Christmas rush for presents......but for fish!"austin remarked

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Ooc : well i think i will post xD



Ic : When Kuri woke up he was lieng on a bed

He looked around and saw a big hole in the wall and when he looked at the ground he saw 2 completly burned bodies .....

"Hmmm , how did i came here and did i killed those people?...." said he crabbing his head.

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*austin comes out of the water with roughly 25 bass latched too him, "i got food!"austin yelled as he picks up a few peaces of wood and cuts them into a grill top and sides and puts that over the fire and starts cooking

*austin turns around to notice that James was awake*

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