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Please rate/fix my deck


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command knight x3

gearfried the iron knight

field-commander rahzevocator chevalier

obnoxius celti guard

phoenix gearfried

freed, The Matcless General

ninja grand master sasuke

mataza the zapper

marauding captainx3

goblin attack force

turrent warrior

fortress warrior

gilford the legend



reinforcement of the army x2

burden of the mighty

mystical space typhoon

lightning vortex

double summon

wicked -breaking flamberge-baou x2

the warrior returing alive

symbols ofduty

big bang shot

divine sword-phoenix blad x2

hidden armory

raregold armor

lightning blade

fairy meteor crush

the A.forces

diveine sword phoenix blade


soul resurrection

sakuretsu armor

dark bribe

kunai with chain


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