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Wanna Duel

Slam Fist

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i am having a YUGIOH card TURNAMENT on JAN. 10/08 at North Platte Nebraska at 2:00 p.m.-5:00p.m. at Memorail Park. all are excpted and the top 4 will win a prize. In some division their will be team battles all cards are excpted but if you have God Card you can play with them if your opponent thinks He/She can beat them. And if you don't know how to play this game thats fine i can help you or many of are staff will be their for your assistans. It is your choice it you wand to Duel. if you have any questions just send me a message.



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United States.

My Biggest turnout was over 50 people! and a kid from New York won and he was 13 yr old, he kicked me and all the other Butts really BAD but it was cool no biggi. I had fun and so did all of the others. The oldest perion was about 45 yr of age. this deck had nothing but Fairys in it and it was actualy cool his fastes duel was only 5 turns. we play with 9000 life point just because of the God cards effects, and their is no limit to the amount of card in your deck. for me i have about 55-60 card in my own deck.

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here are some of the cards in my deck of 89 cards.



2Beta the Magnet Warrior

2Alpha the Magent Warrior

1Gamma the Magent Warrior

1Valkyrion the Magent Warrior

2Magician of Faith

1The Eicked Eraser

1Alien Shocktrooper

1Yomi Ship

1Spirit Reaper1Barrier Statue of the Abyss

1Princess of Tsurugi

1Penguin Soldier

1Dark Effigy

1Chaos Sorcerer

1Rapid-Fire Magician

1Dark Magician of Chaos

1Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

1Fiber Jar

1Brain Crusher

1Gravitic Orb

1Reflect Bounder

1Gogiga Gagagigo

1Milennium Scorpion

1Double Coston

1Winged Duriboh

1Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World

1Buster Blader

1Destiny Hero - Defender

1Dark Magician

1Cyber Jar

1Dark Eradicator Warlock

1Cybernetic Magician

1Skilled White Magician

1Skilled Dark Magician

1D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master

1Witch of the Black Forest


1Mask of Darkness

1Spear Cretin

1Man-Eater Bug





1Cost Down

1Deffusion Wave-Motion

1Pot of Greed

1Pot of Avarice


1Ancient Rules

1Dark Factory of Mass Production

2Soul Exchange

2Mistical Space Typhoon

1Emblem of Dragon Destroyer

1Magical Dimension

1Swords of Revealing Light

1Book of Secret Arts

1Card Destruction


1Nightmare's Steelcage

1Mystic plasma Zone

1Magical Blast

1Monster Reborn



1Sakuretsu Armor

1Call of the Haunted

1Seven Tools of the Bandit


1DNA Surgery

1Magic Cylinder

1Straight Flush

1Ring of Destruction

1Drop Off

1Return Soul

1Bottomless Trap Hole

1Lightforce Sword

1Gravity Bind

1Trojan Blast

1Anti-Spell Fragrance

1Draining Shield

1Mask of Restrict

1Counter Counter

1A Hero Emerges

1Royal Decree


I have only lost 23/67 matches with this deck.

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