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Use That Picture! Contest {11 Spots Left!} {No Entry Fee}

Enma Ai

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[align=center]Welcome one and all to my "Use That Picture!" Contest. This contest is pretty self explanatory.




- All YCM Rules Apply

- Use the picture I give you to make a card

- Specifications may be in a spoiler underneath the picture

- No Entry Fee!



Prizes & Dates:


1st Round Starts NOW!!! and ends on Thursday, or when everyone has their cards in


1st: 1000 Points + 3 REP + Free Booster Pack made by me.

2nd: 2 Rep

3rd: 1 Rep


Everyone May Enter!












=You can Edit the image as you see fit, or you can leave it like that=



[spoiler=What to do with it]

1. Make a Synchro or Dark Synchro Monster

2. Must have an Effect or another Subtype (Toon, Union, Gemini, Effect etc.)

3. Must use the picture Provided

4. Effect must have something to do with Life Points








- Yu-gi-oh Dude

- Toshej

- Magnet Soldier

- Niashi Inumaki

- dark smsh

- gelmaker












Each Round, 3 will be eliminated (May change on end date)

GOOD LUCK!~[/align]

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I'll enter cool pic by the way.

Here is the card:


[spoiler=effect]This card may not be normal summoned or set. This cannot be special summoned except by tributing three Fairy type monsters on the field. When you summon a monster with "Angel" in it's name (beside this card) you and your opponent both take damage equal to the monster's ATK points.


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magnet soldier

Must be a Synchro, dude!!!

[spoiler=My card]


1 Fairy-Type non-Tuner monster + 1 DARK Tuner monster

You can Special Summon this card by removing 2 DARK Tuner monsters on your field from the game. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, if this card was successfully Synchro Summoned, you can remove 1 Tuner monster on your field from the game, and you gain 200 Life Points times the Level of the removed monster.



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Reserved. Card up soon.


1 Fairy-Type Tuner + 1 OR more non-Tuner Fiend Type monsters.

When this card is Synchro Summoned, destroy all cards you control, and send this card to your hand. (This card acts as though it were on the field; it can attack be attacked, change positions etc.) When this card attacks or is attacked, inflict 800 damage to both players. When this card is removed from the hand, remove this card from play. (If this card is removed from play it cannot be returned to the game.) If this card is sent to the top of the deck, you can inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of one of the monsters used as Synchro Material for this card.


This card is a bit hard to understand, so let me just say, it remains in the hand though its still affected by attacks, though it is not affected card effects that work against the field. Though this card remains in the hand, the controller cannot be attacked directly. Since it is still a monster it DOES require a free monster zone. the rest is clearly stated in the effect.

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I'll take you all down (hopefully):


[spoiler=CARD EFFECT]1 LIGHT Tuner monster + 1 or more DARK non-Tuner monsters

You can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon a DARK monster from your opponent's Graveyard. Decrease this monster's ATK by a number x200 to increase a DARK monster on your field's ATK by a number equal to the amount of ATK this monster lost. If this card is targeted by a Spell or Trap Card when you have 500 or less Life Points, you can halve your Life Points to change the target of the effect to a LIGHT monster on your opponent's field.


Sorry for the complicated effect and most likely a lot of OCG errors.

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