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The last member of the VWXYZ series


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With the coming Union monsters, I thought I'd add one more player to the old series.



U-Double Barrel


Level: 4


Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to your "X-Head Cannon" or "V-Tiger Jet" as an Equip Card, OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While equipped to a monster by this cards effect,increase the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster by 500 points.(1 monster can only be equipped by 1 Union monster at a time.If the equipped monster is destroyed as a result of battle,destroy this card instead).

ATK/ 1400

DEF/ 1700


UX-Double Cannon


Level: 6


"U-Double Barrel" + "X-Head Cannon"

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Fusion Deck by removing from play the above cards on your side of the field. (You do not use "Polymerization").Once per turn, you can discard one card to destroy one face-up monster on the field.

ATK/ 2300

DEF/ 2000


UV-Tiger Barrel


Level: 6


"U-Double Barrel" + "V-Tiger Jet"

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Fusion Deck by removing from play the above cards on your side of the field. (You do not use "Polymerization").Once per turn, you can discard one card to have your opponent discard one random card from his/her hand.

ATK/ 2100

DEF/ 2300



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I guess I could add the UVWXYZ robot, though I better find a way to summon it more easily...


Here it is:



UVWXYZ Double Dragon Catapult Cannon


Level: 10


"VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon" + "U-Double Barrel"

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Fusion Deck by removing from play the above cards you control (You do not use "Polymerization"). Once per turn, you can destroy all other cards on the field. When this card declares an attack, your opponent must discard one random card from his/her hand.

ATK/ 3300

DEF/ 2000





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Sorry, English is not my native language.

So ,you're telling me that it can be summoned by removing all "UV", "UX" and "VWXYZ" from the game?


As if VWXYZ wasn't hard enough to summon; I mean is the field clearing effect that bad?

JD, Demise, BRD...summoning those is A LOT easier (okay, they are all on the ban list but that's not the point)


All I can do is add a cost (a discard cost) to activate the effect; if you still don't understand why I don't want to make this card weaker, then try playing with the VWXYZ archetype and you'll see what I mean.


NOTE:I wasn't arguing, I was debating.

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I agree. VWXYZ is hard enough but add one more monster? Good luck. You're going to have to cut through almost your whole deck if this existed unless something was wrong with the shuffling. But still, UX's effect is kinda OP'd to me. Make it like discarding only a certain type or something.

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I dunno about that, BUT, you did give me an idea for this card:






Select one Fusion monster from your Extra deck that contains "U","V","W","X","Y" or "Z" monster(s) as it's Fusion material(s). Remove from play the Fusion material monster(s) written on that card from your side of the field, hand or graveyard and Special Summon the selected monster, ignoring the summoning conditions. During the turn it is Special Summoned, it's effect(s) are negated.




I had a hard time with the first part of the effect and it may still be written in a wrong way.

Still, hope you like it.

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