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Path to Enlightement


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In this game, everyone must make a tribe and advance it's technology until you discover Immortality.


Everyone starts in 4500 BC. At this stage, you can melt iron, have pikes and rudimentary bows and make small clay shelters. You cannot communicate with other tribes, you did not discover the sword yet, you cannot sail in any way and the life expectancy is about 40 years. From this point, you must advance your knowledge in the 5 directions: warfare, medicine, production, pure science, and cosmology and make your way throughout history. Every time you have amassed a certain number of technologies, you will move to the next era. Here is a full list of the Eras and how many technologies you need for every one of them:


[spoiler=List of Eras]Hunt Era: 4500 BC - 3000 BC - starting

Pet Era: 3000 BC - 1500 BC - need 4 more technologies

Writing Era: 1500 BC - 1000 BC - need 3 more technologies

Art Era: 1000 BC - 500 BC - need 3 more technologies

Philosophical Era: 500 BC - 100 BC - need 4 more technologies

Imperial Rise Era: 100 BC - 300 AD - need 2 more technologies

Architectural Era: 300 AD - 700 AD - need 1 more technology

Feudal Formation Era: 700 AD - 900 AD - need 1 more technologies

Dark Age Era: 900 AD - 1250 AD - need 1 more technology

Barbaric Defense Era: 1250 AD - 1400 AD - need 3 more technologies

Renaissance Era: 1400 AD - 1600 AD - need 5 more technologies

Physics Era: 1600 AD - 1700 AD - need 10 more technologies

Chemistry Era: 1700 AD - 1750 AD - need 4 more technologies

Global Expansion Era: 1750 AD - 1780 AD - need 3 more technologies

Industrial Era: 1780 AD - 1810 AD - need 9 more technologies

Totalitarian Halt Era: 1810 AD - 1850 AD - need 1 more technology

Worldwide Conquer Era: 1850 AD - 1900 AD - need 1 more technology

Detonation Era: 1900 AD - 1940 AD - need 7 more technologies

Flight Era: 1940 AD - 1970 AD - need 20 more technologies

Silicon Chip/ Space Conquer Era: 1970 AD - 1990 AD - need 6 more technologies

Internet Era: 1990 AD - 2020 AD - need 4 more technologies

Virtual Era: 2020 AD - 2100 AD - need 5 more technologies

Genetic Era: 2100 AD - 2225 AD - need 8 more technologies

Hyperspatial Era: 2225 AD - 50 ST (StarTime, 1 ST is 2501 AD) - need 5 more technologies

Eternity: 50 ST - for ever. - need 1 era



Every 2 posts will mean 1 Technology learnt. Here are the technologies:

[spoiler=Technology]Warfare (there are 22): Ranged - Advanced Melee - Advanced Melee 2 - Advanced Melee 3 - Group Tactics - Mount - Advanced Ranged - Advanced Group Tactics - Military Rankings - Saltpetre - Black powder - Explosives - Artillery - Heavy Armour - Planes - Atomic Bomb - Submarine - Fusion Bomb - Sonic Weapons - Pandemic Weapons - Space Warfare - Disintegrator

Medicine (there are 22): Isolation - Herbs - Advanced Herbs - Advanced Herbs 2 - Bandage - First Aid - Blood - Internal Organs - Healing Places - First Aid - Microscope - Bacteria - Sanitation - Drugs - Surgery - Muscle Enhancement - Neurology - Brain Enhancement - Gene Manipulation - Cure for Cancer - Cloning - Immortality

Production (there are 22): Hand-made - Heat-smelt - Clothes - Barracks - Shelters - Organized Construction - Resistance Elements - Clay - Marble - Concrete - Reinforced Concrete - Industrial Production - Factory - International Currency - City - Mass Production - Industrial Coal Extraction - Television - Virtual Production - Energy to Matter Production - Energy to Matter Production 2 - Universe Creation

Pure Science (there are 22): Heavy Weapons - Writing - Drawing - Math - Math 2 - Philosophy - Alchemy - Physics - Fluid Movement - Math 3 - Chemistry - The Atom - Gravity - Gravity 2 - Math 4 - Electricity - The 4 Fundamental Forces - The Hologram - Multi-Fusion - Anti-gravity - Size Modification - Renewal

Cosmology (there are 22): Watch The Stars - Polytheism - Monotheism - Astrology - Luck - Advanced Astrology - The Moon - Round Earth - Solar System - Space Calculations - Venus, Mercury - Mars, Jupiter, Saturn - Uranus - Meteorites - Time as concept - Big Bang Theory - Universal Expansion - The Milky Way - Finding the Age of the Universe - Time Reverse - Wormholes - 5th dimension



To enter, just post this:


Tribe Name:



Ok then, battle rules:

The number of technologies in one of the 5 directions gives a stat that is used in battle look here:

[spoiler=Stats]Warfare -Attack

Medicine - Health

Production - B Speed

Pure Science - Multiplyer

Cosmology - Defense


[spoiler=Battle Mechanics]When you attack, you deal Attack*Multiplyer/10 damage

Health is number of Medicine technologies times 4

B Speed is number of attacks per day (but only 1 per post)

Defense is how much you parry from the attack, so you take (enemy)Attack*(enemy)Multiplyer/10 - (your)Defense(your)Multiplyer/20 damage when attacked


Healing: you heal fully every time you advance 5 eras. In rest, you don't heal at all


If you kill someone, you gain all his technologies, he fully heals, loses half of his technologies and cannot be attacked for 7 days



To attack ssomebody, just say: *I attack...*

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Hmm.....maybe, Carthaglianism.


Oh, second post.


Hunting Era Technology (Number 3): Hand-Made Items.


Horlogia it'll be your 2nd post next so pick Isolation, then we'll be in the Pet Era.Also, we need to give each other nicknames.I might call you Horo.




Carthaglian Tribe Members (YCM Members joined, not all the people in it):

Unorthodox Simplicity



Carthaglian Tribe Technologies (Currently need 2):

Ranged Weapons


Hand-Made Items

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Accepted Greek God George, I already have Ranged Weapons so we'll exchange that for hevy weapons, ok.


You nicknames is The Greek or George, change it if you want.





Pet Era


Carthaglian Tribe Members (YCM Members joined, not all the people in it):

Unorthodox Simplicity (Leader)

Horlogia (Co-Leader)

Greek God George (Head of Foreign Negotiations/Peace)


Carthaglian Tribe Technologies (Currently need 3):

Ranged Weapons (Warfare)

Storage (Medicene/Health)

Hand-Made Items (Production)

Heavy Weapons (Pure Science)

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You can just call me US.


I invent:

Watch The Stars (Cosmology)





Pet Era


Carthaglian Tribe Members (YCM Members joined, not all the people in it):

Unorthodox Simplicity (Leader)

Horlogia (Co-Leader)

Greek God George (Head of Foreign Negotiations/Peace)


Carthaglian Tribe Technologies (Currently need 1):

Ranged Weapons (Warfare)

Storage (Medicene/Health)

Hand-Made Items (Production)

Heavy Weapons (Pure Science)

Isolation (Health)

Watch The Stars (Cosmology)

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Why didn't you join usssssssssssssss?





Pet Era


Carthaglian Tribe Members (YCM Members joined, not all the people in it):

Unorthodox Simplicity (Leader)

Horlogia (Co-Leader)

Greek God George (Head of Foreign Negotiations/Peace)


Carthaglian Tribe Technologies (Currently need 3):

Ranged Weapons (Warfare)

Storage (Medicene/Health)

Hand-Made Items (Production)

Heavy Weapons (Pure Science)

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