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A Card Contest ABOUT: Cards for my RP!


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All right this is a new contest I just made.




[spoiler=Contest Rules]1. Contest and YCM rules all apply

2. You must give me permission to use this card in my Roleplay

3. Must make 10 cards are you up to this one?

4. 5 cards must be a fusion material (these all have to be the same type)

5. 1 card must be a fusion of all 5 of the previous.

6. 3 have to be a cost for an even more powerful monster

7. The last card hs to be a broken card that can only be summoned by the cost of tributing the 3 above monsters said.

8. Entry Fee 10 points.

9. 1st gets 50 points and three rep, 2nd gets 30 points and two rep lastly, 3rd gets 10 points and one reps.

10. It can be in written version the 10 pic points are replaced with orginality.

11. Last four can only be Effect monsters, first five can only be Synchros and the 6th one has to be a Fusion



[spoiler=My cards] [spoiler=Knight of the Neverending Fog]Knight of the Neverending Fog/DARK/Level 8/2800 ATK/1900 DEF/Warrior/Synchro/Effect

Lore: 1 DARK Tuner monster + 2 or more non-Tuner Warrior-type monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned successfully pay any multiple of 500 Life Points decrease the ATK of all other monsters on the field. If you control 0 monsters you can Special Summon 4 Warrior-type monsters from the Graveyard to the Field. When this card is sent from the Field to the Graveyard by the effect of a card Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower Warrior monsters from your Hand face-up on your side of the field.



That's all for now.

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