SebastiaanZ Posted November 22, 2009 Report Share Posted November 22, 2009 SEPNEW-049 C – Claw of EvilGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: Quick-PlaySelect 1 face-up monster you control. It gains 500 ATK. As long as this card is on the field, the monster you have selected cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. SEPNEW-050 H – Heart of DarknesGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalAdd 1 DARK-Attribute Monster from your deck to your hand. SEPNEW-051 A - Allure of HatredGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalDestroy Spell or Trap Cards equal to the number of face-up DARK-Attribute Monsters you control. Draw 1 card for each Spell or Trap Card you destroyed. SEPNEW-052 O – Oracle of DestructionGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalSelect 1 Fiend-Type Level-4 Monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it. When this card is destroyed, destroyed the selected card as well SEPNEW-053 S – Sword of the DevourerGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalDiscard 1 card. Destroy 1 monster on your side of the field. As long as this card is on the field you can raise 1 of your monster`s ATK by the destroyed monster`s ATK. SEPNEW-054 Chaos CityGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: FieldWhen a monster that includes "Evil Hero" in its card name attacks, if its ATK is lower than the ATK of the attack target, increase the ATK of the attacking monster by 1000 points during damage calculation only. All monsters with “Evil Hero” in the name cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. SEPNEW-055 CHAOS – Total RecallGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalRemove from play these cards in your Graveyard to activate this card: "C – Claw of Evil", "H – Heart of Darknes", "A – Allure of Hatred", "O – Oracle of Destruction" and “S-Sword of the Devourer“. This turn, all DARK-Attribute Normal Monsters you control can attack your opponent directly. All Face-Up non DARK-Attribute Monsters cannot attack the turn this card is activated. At the end of the current turn you can Special Summon 1 DARK-Attribute Monster to your side of the field. SEPNEW-056 Evil-Hero Malicious BladeheartAttrib: DarkType: Fiend/Fusion/EffectLevel: 8Atk: 2600Def: 2200“E-Hero Bladedge” + “E-Hero Wildheart”This monster cannot be Special Summoned except with "Dark Fusion". This Monster cannot be destroyed as a result of Battle. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each. SEPNEW-060 Darknes Super FusionGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: ContiniousThis card is also counted as “Dark Fusion”. Discard 1 card. Send, from either side of the field to the Graveyard, Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on a Fiend-Type Fusion Monster Card, and Special Summon that Monster from your Fusion Deck. The Special Summoned monster cannot be targeted by the effects of other Monsters, Spells, and Traps this turn. This effect can only be activated once a turn. SEPNEW-061 Evil-Hero Lightning InfernoAttrib: DarkType: Fiend/Fusion/EffectLevel: 8Atk: 2500Def: 2100“Evil-Hero Inferno Wing” + “E-Hero Sparkman”This monster cannot be Special Summoned except with "Dark Fusion". Increase the ATK of this card by 300 points for each Fiend-Type Monster, “Evil-Hero” or “Elemental Hero” in your Graveyard. When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster. SEPNEW-062 Chaos DimensionGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: FieldThis card cannot be destroyed by Spell Cards, Trap Cards or Monster-Effects. This card can only be destroyed when the duel ends. All Monsters on your side of the field become DARK-Attribute Monsters. All Fiend-Type, Zombie-Type and Beast-Type Monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF. All Monsters on your opponent`s side of the field become LIGHT-Attribute Monsters. Every LIGHT-Attribute Monster loses 1000 ATK and DEF. All Level-5 or higher DARK-Attribute Monsters only require 1 Tribute for Special Summoning. You can play Field Spell Cards in your Spell and Trap Card Zones. Your opponent cannot surrender unless his lifepoints hit 0. SEPNEW-063 Inferno RebirthGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: Quick PlaySend 2 cards to the graveyard. Special Summon 1 “Evil-Hero”, regardless of Summoning Conditions to your side of the field. Link to comment
Darkest Hour Posted November 22, 2009 Report Share Posted November 22, 2009 Wow. Search a DARK monster and add it to your hand. Are you on drugs or something? Link to comment
SebastiaanZ Posted November 22, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 22, 2009 Except for stating that, any other comments?And please remove that 'drugs' part. Your comment was not really constructive. Link to comment
Guest Lily Posted November 22, 2009 Report Share Posted November 22, 2009 These actually seem pretty good.SEPNEW-049 C – Claw of EvilGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: Quick-PlaySelect 1 face-up monster you control. It gains 500 ATK. As long as this card is on the field' date=' the monster you have selected cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. [b']Kinda OPed, seeing as how it's a win/win condition. Tone it down so that it has a negative effect or something.[/b] SEPNEW-050 H – Heart of DarknesGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalAdd 1 DARK-Attribute Monster from your deck to your hand.Yet another win card, but this one isn't all that bad. Just put a restriction on it, seeing as how it can be easily abused. Also, you spelt Darkness wrong XD SEPNEW-051 A - Allure of HatredGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalDestroy Spell or Trap Cards equal to the number of face-up DARK-Attribute Monsters you control. Draw 1 card for each Spell or Trap Card you destroyed. Easy milling, but could rather easily drain your Deck. Pretty good card overall. SEPNEW-052 O – Oracle of DestructionGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalSelect 1 Fiend-Type Level-4 Monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it. When this card is destroyed, destroyed the selected card as well.Seeing as how this card is a Normal Spell Card, the card will be brought back and get destroyed straight away. Fix please. SEPNEW-053 S – Sword of the DevourerGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalDiscard 1 card. Destroy 1 monster on your side of the field. As long as this card is on the field you can raise 1 of your monster`s ATK by the destroyed monster's ATK.Yet again, it'll activate and then send itself to the Graveyard straight away. Fix. SEPNEW-054 Chaos CityGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: FieldWhen a monster that includes "Evil Hero" in its card name attacks, if its ATK is lower than the ATK of the attack target, increase the ATK of the attacking monster by 1000 points during damage calculation only. All monsters with “Evil Hero” in the name cannot be destroyed as a result of battle.Yet again, a win/win condition. They cant be destroyed by battle, so if your opponent can't draw a good card, could be deadly. I know it's like Skyscraper, but I suggest toning it down a bit. SEPNEW-055 CHAOS – Total RecallGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalRemove from play these cards in your Graveyard to activate this card: "C – Claw of Evil", "H – Heart of Darknes", "A – Allure of Hatred", "O – Oracle of Destruction" and “S-Sword of the Devourer“. This turn, all DARK-Attribute Normal Monsters you control can attack your opponent directly. All Face-Up non DARK-Attribute Monsters cannot attack the turn this card is activated. At the end of the current turn you can Special Summon 1 DARK-Attribute monster to your side of the field.Lolgeminiabuse. Even though this is gonna be intermediately hard to activate, it's effect is balanced, but you forgot to state where the monster can be Special Summoned from. SEPNEW-056 Evil-Hero Malicious BladeheartAttrib: DarkType: Fiend/Fusion/EffectLevel: 8Atk: 2600Def: 2200“E-Hero Bladedge” + “E-Hero Wildheart”This monster cannot be Special Summoned except with "Dark Fusion". This Monster cannot be destroyed as a result of Battle. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each.Just seems like Wildedge with an additional restriction :/ More originality please. SEPNEW-060 Darknes Super FusionGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: ContiniousThis card is also counted as “Dark Fusion”. Discard 1 card. Send, from either side of the field to the Graveyard, Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on a Fiend-Type Fusion Monster Card, and Special Summon that Monster from your Fusion Deck. The Special Summoned monster cannot be targeted by the effects of other Monsters, Spells, and Traps this turn. This effect can only be activated once a turn.Wow, the likeliness of this ever activating is 50/50, but even so I think it's bordering the OPed side. Maybe make the summoned monster targetable by monster effect's only? SEPNEW-061 Evil-Hero Lightning InfernoAttrib: DarkType: Fiend/Fusion/EffectLevel: 8Atk: 2500Def: 2100“Evil-Hero Inferno Wing” + “E-Hero Sparkman”This monster cannot be Special Summoned except with "Dark Fusion". Increase the ATK of this card by 300 points for each Fiend-Type Monster, “Evil-Hero” or “Elemental Hero” in your Graveyard. When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.Shining Flare with a little twist! I like this, seeing as how all of the hard work to get it out actually pays off. SEPNEW-062 Chaos DimensionGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: FieldThis card cannot be destroyed by Spell Cards, Trap Cards or Monster-Effects. This card can only be destroyed when the duel ends. All Monsters on your side of the field become DARK-Attribute Monsters. All Fiend-Type, Zombie-Type and Beast-Type Monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF. All Monsters on your opponent`s side of the field become LIGHT-Attribute Monsters. Every LIGHT-Attribute Monster loses 1000 ATK and DEF. All Level-5 or higher DARK-Attribute Monsters only require 1 Tribute for Special Summoning. You can play Field Spell Cards in your Spell and Trap Card Zones. Your opponent cannot surrender unless his lifepoints hit 0. Wtf, please tell me this is a joke!? This is like, absolutely overpowered beyond belief! It would require an extreme price to activate it, and it has none! Fix! SEPNEW-063 Inferno RebirthGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: Quick PlaySend 2 cards to the graveyard. Special Summon 1 “Evil-Hero”, regardless of Summoning Conditions to your side of the field.I like it, but some could say the price is to low. It's so-so, I guess. Overall, the cards are good, but Chaos Dimension seriously ruins it with how overpowered it is.Rating: 7/10 Link to comment
SebastiaanZ Posted November 23, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 23, 2009 Chaos Dimension was fanfic-OPed. It was meant to be a kind of Seal of Orichalcos thing idea. Malicious Bladeheart, yeah I know I should have made that one more original. I'll work on it.Thanks for the comment! Link to comment
Otakon Posted November 23, 2009 Report Share Posted November 23, 2009 SEPNEW-049 C – Claw of EvilGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: Quick-PlaySelect 1 face-up monster you control. It gains 500 ATK. As long as this card is on the field' date=' the monster you have selected cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. [b']Maybe better as an Equip card for fiends or you could make the monster lose 200 ATK and DEF each turn like stim-Pack.[/b] SEPNEW-050 H – Heart of DarknesGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalAdd 1 DARK-Attribute Monster from your deck to your hand. OP, you could at least make it search Level 4 DARK monsters or simply Fiends(seeing how most Evil Heroes are Earth). SEPNEW-051 A - Allure of HatredGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalDestroy Spell or Trap Cards equal to the number of face-up DARK-Attribute Monsters you control. Draw 1 card for each Spell or Trap Card you destroyed. Again OP. Remove the part that let's you draw cards and change the DARK to either Fiends or DARK Fiends. SEPNEW-052 O – Oracle of DestructionGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalSelect 1 Fiend-Type Level-4 Monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it. When this card is destroyed, destroyed the selected card as well I suppose this was supposed to a Continuous or Equip card? SEPNEW-053 S – Sword of the DevourerGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalDiscard 1 card. Destroy 1 monster on your side of the field. As long as this card is on the field you can raise 1 of your monster`s ATK by the destroyed monster`s ATK. Once again; was this supposed to be a Continuous or Equip card? Or does it simply stay on the filed like Swords of Revealing Light? SEPNEW-054 Chaos CityGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: FieldWhen a monster that includes "Evil Hero" in its card name attacks, if its ATK is lower than the ATK of the attack target, increase the ATK of the attacking monster by 1000 points during damage calculation only. All monsters with “Evil Hero” in the name cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. The first part isn't very original but if the Destiny heroes had one, so can the Evil ones. The last part is probably a bit OP, you should add some kind of cost. SEPNEW-055 CHAOS – Total RecallGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: NormalRemove from play these cards in your Graveyard to activate this card: "C – Claw of Evil", "H – Heart of Darknes", "A – Allure of Hatred", "O – Oracle of Destruction" and “S-Sword of the Devourer“. This turn, all DARK-Attribute Normal Monsters you control can attack your opponent directly. All Face-Up non DARK-Attribute Monsters cannot attack the turn this card is activated. At the end of the current turn you can Special Summon 1 DARK-Attribute Monster to your side of the field. Pretty good SEPNEW-056 Evil-Hero Malicious BladeheartAttrib: DarkType: Fiend/Fusion/EffectLevel: 8Atk: 2600Def: 2200“E-Hero Bladedge” + “E-Hero Wildheart”This monster cannot be Special Summoned except with "Dark Fusion". This Monster cannot be destroyed as a result of Battle. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each. A decent monster, seeing how all Evil Heroes are similar to the original. SEPNEW-060 Darknes Super FusionGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: ContiniousThis card is also counted as “Dark Fusion”. Discard 1 card. Send, from either side of the field to the Graveyard, Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on a Fiend-Type Fusion Monster Card, and Special Summon that Monster from your Fusion Deck. The Special Summoned monster cannot be targeted by the effects of other Monsters, Spells, and Traps this turn. This effect can only be activated once a turn. Nice. The last part is probably a bit too much though. SEPNEW-061 Evil-Hero Lightning InfernoAttrib: DarkType: Fiend/Fusion/EffectLevel: 8Atk: 2500Def: 2100“Evil-Hero Inferno Wing” + “E-Hero Sparkman”This monster cannot be Special Summoned except with "Dark Fusion". Increase the ATK of this card by 300 points for each Fiend-Type Monster, “Evil-Hero” or “Elemental Hero” in your Graveyard. When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster. You could possibly add a piercing effect to match Inferno Wing. SEPNEW-062 Chaos DimensionGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: FieldThis card cannot be destroyed by Spell Cards, Trap Cards or Monster-Effects. This card can only be destroyed when the duel ends. All Monsters on your side of the field become DARK-Attribute Monsters. All Fiend-Type, Zombie-Type and Beast-Type Monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF. All Monsters on your opponent`s side of the field become LIGHT-Attribute Monsters. Every LIGHT-Attribute Monster loses 1000 ATK and DEF. All Level-5 or higher DARK-Attribute Monsters only require 1 Tribute for Special Summoning. You can play Field Spell Cards in your Spell and Trap Card Zones. Your opponent cannot surrender unless his lifepoints hit 0. "This card can only be destroyed when the duel ends" ...makes no sense.The rest is understandable seeing how you said it's a Orichalcos counterpart. SEPNEW-063 Inferno RebirthGroup: Spell CardType: SpellIcon: Quick PlaySend 2 cards to the graveyard. Special Summon 1 “Evil-Hero”, regardless of Summoning Conditions to your side of the field. I like it :D Some are a bit OP but still, nice job.7/10However, I find the C-H-A-O-S cards a bit confusing, when you say "As long as this card remains on the field" , do you mean the Spell card or the monster selected? 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