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Digimon Rise of the Demon Lords [PG-16/Accepting by PM/Need Sprits] READ PAGE 1

Blackstone Dresden

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Seri smiled and giggled a little at Zach. "Thank you." she said politely. Her large eyes rolled upward to gaze up at at the crustacean resting on her head. "Say 'thank you', Crabmon." she said with a smiled. The crabmon gurgled a little, creating a little bubble spray into the air. She smiled and laughed a little when the bubbles got fairly large, enough so that one could fit in her hand.


Renamon paused and sighed when Grey started yelling after him. "Yes, Grey, I got a partner." he said with slight exasperation. "Unforuntately". Ceila nodded politely at the Agumon and Gabumon, but didn't say anything.

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"That's great! We got one too! And we got to digivolve! It was so coo..." Dan clamped his mouth shut.

"Sorry. He's got no manners. But it seems like you already know that." Dan grinned sheepishly. "Learn to control yourself," he whispered into Grey's ear.

"I apologize for any inconvenience," Garu said.

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Lee turned to a small group of digimon "Hmmph Agumon, Gabumon, and Renamon, such a pain that they have to be going so soon." Porcupamon then crawled next to Lee "So they're the old dragon's allies? What a joke" it said as it began hopping up to where the trio were standing. Lee quickly followed him "Alright now its time to see if they are more then meets the eye. Porcupamon, attack" "With pleasure, Rip Needles" the leather clad creature exclaimed as needles emerged from his back and fired at the three digimon.

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Firamon and Ryoko arrived at the cave "this must be it my digivice is going nuts" the they walk into the cave and see an alter "will i guess this is it" he walks unto the alter and holds his digivice at it "a spirit appeared and went into his digivice "the spirit of darkness cool i guess i need to head back" Ryoko jumped back on Firamon and they headed back

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"Fun. let's go boys. No holding back." He drew the two digivices from his belt and twirled them. With courage and Friendship

"Agumon, Digivolve to...Geogreymon!"

"Gabumon, Digivolve to... Garurumon!"

Onnce again, Dan leapt unto Garu's back as they leapt out of the attacks spread.

"Nova Blast!" Grey roared, firing a fire ball.

"Freeze Fang!" Garu growled, charging in for a bite.

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Renamon's ears stood up as he realized the danger, quickly grabbed the back of Ceila's jacket and lept out of the range of the attack, landing gracefully on the top of a nearby building. He grunted to Ceila, who was starting to get up. "Stay here." he growled, before jumping down onto the top of Grey's head in order to get a better look at his enemy.


Seri giggled. "So, now that you know about me, what about you? Who are you?" she said in an upbeat tone.

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Lee was buffeted by the blast of the attack and had several bruises on his arms and face but still continued to follow Porcupamon into the assualt. Then a odd-looking object appeared nearby a building. "Stop, what is this" Lee said to the raging Porcupamon who stopped and turned to see the item. The Digimon looked at it in delight and pushed Lee towards it "It is a spirit, now you will be able to fight with me. To become a digimon" but they were interupted as a large blast appeared and Lee was seperated from his partner. "Hey Porcupamon" Lee said as he got to his feet but the digimon had continued its charge, leaving Lee for the taking. Several people dressed in camo suits came after him. "Stop Demon Lord" they yelled as Lee quickly darted to the item. He held it in his hands and it embedded with his Digivice and Lee began to transform.....

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(OOC: Hmm... does that "All people must post as each character a couple times per week" rule apply to me as Ogudamon? Considering he's mister background villain that doesn't do much in the actual fray until later...)


Seri smiled a bit and patted Gizamon on the head slightly. "Hello there." she said cheerfully. Crabmon cracked his claws a couple times at the sudden movement, but didn't seem particularly bothered.


Renamon blinked as he saw the human transform. He got a determined expression on his face and flipped into an aerial somersault off of Grey's head towards the human, aiming a powerful kick towards his face.

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ooc: the read all posts rule and the no ooc only, i think


"Grey, Mega Volcano, Garu, Ice Cannon! Go!"


Grey shut his mouth and charged a blast of fire. Flames shot from the gaps between his teeth. "Mega volcano!" A beam of fire red energy erupted towards the teddy bear.

Garu charged blue enery in his throath before firing it. "Ice Cannon!"

"see if you can stand up to our Hyper Antipote!" Dan yelled gleefully.

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Porcupamon was trembling due to the amount of enemies and began digging itself into a hole to dodge the attacks. Meanwhile the transformation had finished and the newly transformed Duskmon toke no haste at firing a small blast at the two military people, burning them severly. He then used his own hand to block the kick by the Renamon "You really think that you, a mere Rookie could stand up to me?" said Duskmon as he drew sword from one of his arms and slashed at Renamon. "Who the hell do you think I am!" Duskmon said with authority as he continued his announcement "I am the TRUE spirit of Darkness, Duskmon!"

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OOC: If you read all the rules, you wouldn't be posting OOC-only posts, and you would have read all the posts so you'd know who Grey and Garu were attacking. I only gave you 1 strike, post another OOC only post, and it'll be 2.


OOC2: Blaze, you as Ogudomon basically commands the Demon Lords so all you have to do is advance the plot. But for Ogudomon/Huanglongmon, that's down to 1 post per week minimum


"G Shurunen!" Temblor shouted, firing his laser at Pokyupamon


OOC3: Couldn't resist, also, Proto, try to spell it right, I know it's a stupid name but still


Atmos smilled "G Shurunen" He shouted, firing his laser at Duskmon


OOC4:Really couldn't resist

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