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Digimon Rise of the Demon Lords [PG-16/Accepting by PM/Need Sprits] READ PAGE 1

Blackstone Dresden

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ooc: Ryozo/Titan got Coronamon. I got onmimons bases.


"I'm Dan, and I did pay attention, but it is... compicated. Don't blame me for not understanding on the first try. Give it a minute for it to sink in..."


a minute later:


"Now I understand full," Da said seriously. "I ready to help."

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"Agumon and Gabumon huh?" Dan examined the digivices. The first was green and the second blue.

"Hiya! Nice to meet you!" agumon said cheerfully. "I'm Agumon, but you can call me Grey!"

"He...Hello," the gabumon said nevously. "You can call me Garu."

Dan nodded. "Grey and Garu. Together, let's save the worlds. You up for it?"

"YEAH!" Grey said, jumping high.

"I guess so," Garu said, more quietly.

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"Ryozo, you're partnered with a Coronamon" He motioned to the short fiery Digimon standing next to him "Coronamon, you know all about Ryozo for the past few months" He crossed Ryozo off the list and started giving the Marines their Commandramons before coming to a name without a rank "Rose?" he asked "Assigned to Yamimon and Karimon?" he whistled for the twin Digimon, who, like the other Digimon, were situated on the other side of Huanglongmon's spines

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"Well, as I said, Ogudomon's not our immediate concern, first, we have to deal with the Seven Demon Lords, which is going to be a feat in and of itself, and before that, we have the various lowlifes and their secret weapons" Jack said shaking his head "We have a long ways to go before we have to worry about Ogudomon"

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"You can actually" Jack said "It just takes focus and sufficient emotion, just don't use rage or it will screw you over" he warned, taking out both his Digivices "Digisoul! Charge!" he said slamming his palm on the top of them


"Dracomon Digivolve to! Coredramon!" they said, Digivolving to their respective Champions


"See? After a few tries, it becomes second nature"

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"Will it still work, even though both my digivices are a different type than yours, like Ryozo's?" Dan focused on Garu's digivice. He didn't trust Grey not to cause mass destruction.

'What to focus on?' he thought. 'maybe friendship?' His digivice glowed.

"Gabumon digivolve to....Garurumon!" A large blue-tiger-striped white wolf stood where Garu was.

"Wow, is that you Garu?"

"It is, I think," Garu said hesitantly. "You did it."

"ME NEXT ME NEXT!" Grey yelled.

"Ah, maybe later," Dan said to him. Exactly why i didn't try it with you first. Not on the giant dragon's back.

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"No" Huanglongmon said, chiming in "Yours is an outdated design, I worked with what I had" he explained "You and the marines need more raw emotion and a boost that I'll provide. The type Ryozo has requires more focus, and there's a fifth, chronologically third, type that requires an extra impulse, again I'll provide, and a sixth, the most recent model, that, when used to its full potential, has the power to overload a Digimon to where it almost rivals me" he smiled at Dan "You're a natural, very focused"

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"Nice! I want to try with Grey but..."

"I'll be good! I promise! Scout's honour!" Grey said.

"Are you even a scout?" Garu asked. Grey glanced away.

With a sigh, Dan grabbed the green digivice. He focused. I used friendship last time so, what to use now? Maybe courage. Grey seems to have lots of that, and I need it to be attempting this...

"Agumon, digivolve to....GeoGreymon!" A large yellow dinisaur with blue stripes and a dark brow helmet appeared.

"Ha! I digivolved!" Grey said, his voice deeper. "Now, what can I do..."

"Ah, Ah. You promised to be good!" Garu reminded him.

"Fine," Grey pouted. He was still childish.

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rose looked at Yamimon and Karimon " well i guess i should give it a try too" she holds both of her digivices at the digimon "well i guess all i need to do focus" she focuses on the digivices they start to glow


Yamimon digivolve to SantoRyumon

Karimon digivolve to MalRyumon


"you did it rose" they both said

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Guest TheFinalFan

OOC: Starting.

IC: J-Peg Crossroads wasn't even a town, but more like a small village, with a wall around it. The residents, mostly Rookies and below with the occasional Champion, were a cosmopolitan type, and enjoyed the various visitors the town received.

Until THEY came, the Black Digimon.

"By order of BlackKingNumemon..." their spokesperson, a BlackGatomon, decreed, "...the town of J-Peg Crossroads will be annexed as part of the Black Empire."

The Black Empire, the Demon Lords' puppet government.

A foul and despicable people, they had recently deployed a large army nearby, some of which had ravaged the town.

These Digimon were part of the survivors, and they thought that they had won.

They were wrong.


"Alpha, status report!" Kayla Bines, Sargeant, whispered.

"They have guards at all four of the entrances, ma'am." A Commandramon replied.

"Good. Wake the others." Sargeant Bines grinned.

"We're moving in."

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Jack noticed that the marines vanished "Emperor?"


"You guys are next" He said as a swirl of digicode surrounded the humans and their assigned partners, transporting them to J-Peg Crossroads with the marines


"Atmos, jump" Jack commanded, then whispered "DNA, Full Charge" Digivolving Coredramon into Wingdramon. "So, that's why I have black DigiSoul"

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OoC: Hey, can you put My App somewhere in the thread so everyone knows who i am.


Ic: Gizamon was hopping beside Zach. "Something doesn't feel right to me...how about you?"


Zach looked at Gizamon. "Like we're being watched?"


"You've noticed it to!"


"Just a little bit."

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