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Damage Checker TCG List

Jake Harper

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Well here's my first reverse hazards set. Before showing you the cards i made fot it i want to know if the names are TCG ones or OCG ones. If the list is an OCG one please help me change the names of the cards, if i like the name i will give the person 3 reps if not 5 points. If the list is a TCG one then it's ok. Thank you all


DGCR-EN001 E.M. Warrior


DGCR-EN002 TNT Archer


DGCR-EN003 TNT Disposal Unit


DGCR-EN004 Damage Nitro Barrel


DGCR-EN005 Chainsaw Warrior


DGCR-EN006 Boomer Iguana


DGCR-EN007 Hot Seed Plant


DGCR-EN008 Ground Master


DGCR-EN009 Damage Waste


DGCR-EN010 Syndrome Electric Virus


DGCR-EN011 High Track Road Mark


DGCR-EN012 High Track Doomer


DGCR-EN013 E.M. Experiment Lab


DGCR-EN014 Syndrome Worm


DGCR-EN015 Ground Scarab


DGCR-EN016 Damage Checker(card)


DGCR-EN017 Syndrome Eyes


DGCR-EN018 E.M. Blaster


DGCR-EN019 Syndrome Static Horror


DGCR-EN020 Syndrome Warrior


DGCR-EN021 Stereo Tool


DGCR-EN022 Hammer Tool


DGCR-EN023 Syndrome Snake


DGCR-EN024 Copter Tool


DGCR-EN025 Drill Tool


DGCR-EN026 Damage Water Hazard


DGCR-EN027 Damage Firewall


DGCR-EN028 Syndrome Mad Master


DGCR-EN029 Skydiver Tool


DGCR-EN030 E.M. Dragon


DGCR-EN031 Damage Inc


DGCR-EN032 Tool Repairment


DGCR-EN033 Syndrome Abstinence


DGCR-EN034 Broken Tool


DGCR-EN035 Ship Legend


DGCR-EN036 Brave Decision


DGCR-EN037 Syndrome Fear


DGCR-EN038 Rejection


DGCR-EN039 Plasma Absorber Virus


DGCR-EN040 Static Station


DGCR-EN041 Psycosis


DGCR-EN042 Psycho Deck Killer


DGCR-EN043 Behind the Mind


DGCR-EN044 Stalking in the Night


DGCR-EN045 Hammer Little Hit


DGCR-EN046 Hammer Hit


DGCR-EN047 Speed of Sound


DGCR-EN048 Tool Supply



DGCR-EN049 Blacksmith


DGCR-EN050 Track Out


DGCR-EN051 Burnout Blast


DGCR-EN052 Control Over Mind


DGCR-EN053 Overload Boomer


DGCR-EN054 Blocking the Way


DGCR-EN055 Tool Fixer


DGCR-EN056 Tool Handle


DGCR-EN057 Running Nightmare


DGCR-EN058 Stumped


DGCR-EN059 Chains of Shivers


DGCR-EN060 Sunken Underwater Prison

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