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The Intergalactic Empire Game


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I'd like this


New electronic for the citizens

+2 Economy.


Name: Labor model

In honor of the physics caste's space station plans. The Spectralsoft corporation (the ingenuity system' largest manufacturer of machinery) has released a new Labor model. This model is designed for outer space construction and lets the user maneuver easily in space and lift large pieces of material. In addition several smaller concealed arms are hidden in the chest plate for quickly assembling small machinery. This product is not only efficent but affordable, the spectrlsoft coporation expects a noticable increase in the economy thanks to this.

picture: 31863-3D-Blue-And-White-AO-Maru-Construction-Worker-Robot-With-A-Hardhat-And-Shovel-Looking-Up-And-Off-To-The-Right-Poster-Art-Print.jpg

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Wow... many things happend while i was away? So we have another slavery planet? Nice...


Sending scout out to ally with Flandre´s Planet


Starting to build Tesla Weapons.


Doubling army size (looks like some of the slaves are able to figth... And together with a explosive capsule in their heads they get quite loyal ;))


Transmission towards Nokana:

"Just call, if you need help. But we share the slaves, ok?"

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Alert, unauthorized ship has entered Ingenuity system space.


....Scanning ship


Ship does not appear hostile, origins verified to be Niknako.


Logical error: Ikinos Akinioka is not detected on board. All other citizens of Ninako are slaves, why do they still follow a person so far away. Does not compute.


Installing ignorance program... Instillation complete. Logic error's thrat nullified.


Ninako vessel, please land, an escort will show you the way to the nearest landing pad.

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Selene was standing on the balcony of the largest buidling on her planet, watching the slaves at their work.

A servant walked up to her. "Mastress, we tested the new weapons... 700 times as you wished..."

Selene still watch the slaves

"Survivors?" she asked cold.

The servent looked quite unhappy. "4 of them needed a second shot..."

Selene got a evil smile "Excellent. Re-arm all our battle-ships and tanks... Dont worry universe. Soon you will be mine..."


Mad laugh


(Or in a few words, rearmed spaceships and weapons, army recruited)

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The Vessel On The Ingenuity System Follows the Escort


And a Message Was Sent to Emperor Selene "Okay, Empress, But You do Get Bonuses For Allying With Me, Sending Shipment....."


Another Ship Departed from The Planet and Went to Kaurava III, On Board was Technology That isn't Even Heard of by even the Citizens of Kaurava III, Which Included Mind Control Devices for the Slaves.....

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King Cephus declares all shields of defence be put up immediately. He also sends 15 armed spaceships to Niknako Atacilotech to give them a sample of Stellion (Derived from "Stellar" which means "Having to do with Space"), their first compressed radiation mineral (X-Ray). He wants the planet to test the mineral, but does not yet trust the planet.

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You land and meet the head of the electrogeists: Head Scientist Research.


Research greets the ambassador. Welcome to the ingenuity system. It appears you wish to ally with us. However I am currently in an alliance with the Umbrians. Together we intend to unite this universe under one flag, our flag. I already conversed with Ansem and he has agreed to allow your nation into our Organization. So then, will you like to be a member of the Agents of Death?

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Ikinos Looks at the Stellion with a Strange Look on his Face, The Residents of his own Planet Eats Most Minerals and Some Crystals as Part of Their Diet, And took note that this was a Special Mineral, They Tested the Mineral out for Medicinal Use


Meanwhile, At the Ingenuity System and Agreed to the Question......


(> How about a Description of Each Empire's Citizens? My Empire's Citizens Are Eat Most Minerals and Some Crystals As Food, and All of Them Are Taller, But Narrower than an Average Human, Their Skin is Metallic, But they are not Robots Their Blood is Blue and Stains anything Easily, Their Flesh is Dark Green that Forms a Metallic Shel if Coagulating, They have No Hair, But Have a Blade-ish Head, They are Extremely Intelligent <)

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Request for electrogeist description has been submitted.




As a member of the AoD your request will be granted.


We electrogeists have no physical bodies. Instead we inhabit machinery, thus are appearance completely depends on which model we are possessing. Our normal forms appear as a shapeless mass of blue binary code.


A chip is installed to us at birth, this chip ranks our ability and designates our status and caste in the government.

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Our people...


Physically, our people are much taller than regular humans. We all share the code for blond hair and golden eyes, which changes color frequently depending on the amount of radiation in the enviroment. We all emit a strange yellow glow, bigger in some than others. Some defects make the color different, others make the glow non-existant. We really have no care in the glow, though. We also have wings, transparent but faintly visible. We believe this as the body's way of getting rid of excess radiation.


Mentally, we are all smart, to an extent. We comprehend a lot more than other beings, and in a lot less time. This makes us a lot more peaceful. We have very great memories, also, but some are so old that they are stored in the backs of or heads. We always wonder, and can't stop.

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  'Nexev said:

Request for electrogeist description has been submitted.




As a member of the AoD your request will be granted.


We electrogeists have no physical bodies. Instead we inhabit machinery' date=' thus are appearance completely depends on which model we are possessing. Our normal forms appear as a shapeless mass of blue binary code.


A chip is installed to us at birth, this chip ranks our ability and designates our status and caste in the government.[/font']


Your post was automatically win when you said "Blue Binary Code".

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Selene saw the spaceship landing, together with the new Weapons (I prefere forcing slaves with violence, but why not using those mind-things?)


I got a better warfare than you, so im going to support you with cheap but mass units!


"Beware universe... We are going to crush you!"


~Checkpoint ^^~

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Name: Raxia

War Fare:20



Tech. Advancement:50

Type of Gov't: Young Society, out in the stars for some fun! (The fun of war and chaos)

Mainly Developed Product: Teleportation devices

Mainly Needed Product: Food

Planet Notes: The planet is grey and rocky, barren. There are towers of metal and giant holo-domes where the race can do whatever they please in. Their technology allows them to be anywhere in a flash, although they have few places where they can grow food.

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People of Umbrian


Our economy has gotten almost twice as high as it used to be. We have been working on a new metal and has succeeded, the metal is called Erizate, it has a low melting point and will melt in your hand, this metal is pure, in the sense that once melted, your hand will absorb it, going though your bloodstream, it superfortifies the body, we just need to find a way to mass produce it now. We do not know if this is safe, but we know you are at war, in case you might want some. If only there was a way...


Economy Rising

~Narasa, Leader of Infawn

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  'Narasa Ω said:

People of Umbrian


Our economy has gotten almost twice as high as it used to be. We have been working on a new metal and has succeeded' date=' the metal is called Erizate, it has a low melting point and will melt in your hand, this metal is pure, in the sense that once melted, your hand will absorb it, going though your bloodstream, it superfortifies the body, we just need to find a way to mass produce it now. We do not know if this is safe, but we know you are at war, in case you might want some. If only there was a way...


Economy Rising

~Narasa, Leader of Infawn



Your economy only rises when your stat rises.


Guys, you can't make up your own events and randomly increase your stats. That's only done through events, making alliances, war, etc.


And by events, I mean random events that I make.

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