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The Intergalactic Empire Game


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Yes' date=' follow me, please. Cassiopia lead the Umbrians to the back of the castle, and into an ancient ruin.


Our people use to be so successful in life. We have these ruins, representing the Zodiacs in past life, and now a drive to make us prosperous, even more than last time. The Zodiacs are ruined from war and violence, but some still come here for prayer, and peace. I hope you can think in ease at this place.



Hmmmm.....fascinating. It does seem like a very.......well......I'm not sure. It feels peaceful, but in a way I cannot describe. Quite strange, yet quite interesting. Do you know exactly how this place came to be?


We know not of its creation. Some symbols on recovered slabs told us why it was here, but now how it came to be. We assume that someone created it out of a mineral on the other side of this planet.

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Yes' date=' follow me, please. Cassiopia lead the Umbrians to the back of the castle, and into an ancient ruin.


Our people use to be so successful in life. We have these ruins, representing the Zodiacs in past life, and now a drive to make us prosperous, even more than last time. The Zodiacs are ruined from war and violence, but some still come here for prayer, and peace. I hope you can think in ease at this place.



Hmmmm.....fascinating. It does seem like a very.......well......I'm not sure. It feels peaceful, but in a way I cannot describe. Quite strange, yet quite interesting. Do you know exactly how this place came to be?


We know not of its creation. Some symbols on recovered slabs told us why it was here, but now how it came to be. We assume that someone created it out of a mineral on the other side of this planet.


Have you ever decided to explore the other side of the planet?

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Name: CeDeFiA (Planet of Bombordia)

War Fare: 65

Economy: 50

Freedom: 5

Tech. Advancement: 10

Type of Gov't: Bombinism (Makes bombs/Nukes/Atomic Bombs)

Mainly Developed Product: Bombs (Atomic/Nukes/Regular)

Mainly Needed Product: Food.

Planet Notes: Bombordia is a planet for whoever steps on it, faces the rest of their life to making bombs to blow up other planets. Citizens here get fed only twice a day. Bombordia holds the highest number of Nukes and Atomic bombs known to man. It allies with any other Planet that asks, and destroys their enemies. The weather here varies. Sometimes it rains alot from all the smoke that flies up into the air, but every citizen has a special suit that protects them from this toxic gas. Anyone who breaths it, dies within 5 hours. No antidote has been found.

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Name: Nexev of the Ingenuity astreoid system

War Fare:15



Tech. Advancement:70

Type of Gov't: Government is divided into the medicinal branch, mechanical branch and the physic branch. At birth a chip is implanted into your brain that while keeping your thougths private accurately ranks your skills and field of expertise. Mechanists and builders go into the mechanical branch, doctors and chemists go in medicinal branch and physics branch are the others. People are then given higher or lower positions determined by how your chip ranks you.

Mainly Developed Product: machinery is extremely common place and many of the planets patents are sold to foreign planets. Basically the planet makes discoverers for their living.

Mainly Needed Product: Plants, as an asteroid system they have no naturally growing plants so medical branch have to make long treks to gather ingredients.

Planet Notes: The asteroid system is a mediums sized cluster of 100 asteroids, each holding around two cites. The asteroids are close together and the natives have spent a good deal of time mechanizing the system. What the planet can do is unknown to anyone but the natives. Travel through the asteroids is possible through teleportation pads. It is also worthy to note that the native species are in fact insubstantial and make a living by possessing machines to affect the real world. So no one really knows how hey pt the chip into your head.

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A hostile planet in the Verenidian System has been discovered authorized powers have been to taken to the head of our empire to crush it and take control.We have a 13 Galactic fleets (Size of a medium asteriod=a galactic fleet) en route to the planet.We have colonized the planet Zera.




Colonized Planets:

Myrkha (One half of colonized planet with Umbrians)




Pyrrios (Verenidian System)

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I have conquered Pyrriors, they are still putting up heavy resistance on their moon of Vega.In other news we are asking to make peace with Nexev.




Conquered Planets:



Colonized Planets:


Myrkha (One half of colonized planet with Umbrians)



Pyrrios Moon, Vega

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Nexev, your allyship is accepted, and since I am part of an allyship, we are all one big allyship. My goal was to obtain 5 people. And we did.




Also, this is how it works.


You can't make up planets to conquer. You have to conquer other player's planets. Not only that, every once in a while, a RANDOM COLONY EVENT(In caps for effect) will appear, and only 2 planets can colonize in it. Check the new installments page.

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NEW EVENT!!! If there's anything you want to do with your success points, just tell me in the thread.


Beginning of the Real World

All players gain 1 Success Point


Also, Nex, I will come up with something cool you can do with Tech. Advancement. (Other than colonizing, which is not much.)

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We would like to start a trade with the Umbrians.We would also like to see if they will come with us deeper into space to discover new places.


I'm afraid I must decline. My economy is not quite healthy enough yet for trade. Perhaps after a few tweeks in the budget, I could, but right now I cannot.


BOTH players need 35 Economy to trade.

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This seems to be kinda nice. Better than my one ^^


I start too... With a verry bad and evil Planet... Tehehe...


Name: Queen of Pain, Emporess Selene (Planet: Prison Colony - Kaurava III)

War Fare: 50

Economy: 50

Freedom:0 (Its a prison planet, were slaves work... They dont have any freedom XD)

Tech. Advancement: 30

Type of Gov't: Prison planet. Incredible economy or Weapon research place. Maybe because all new weapons can be testet instantly on rebells... ?

Mainly Developed Product: 60% Weapons 40% Minerals

Mainly Needed Product: Slaves, Medicine, Entertainment,...

Planet Notes: Kaurava III is the worst known place ever. The survive stat is 3%. If you break law there you got killed instantly. And the law is Selene. End of transmission. Kauravas Army is incredible, but it have to be to keep the rebels down.


Accepted? ^^

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This seems to be kinda nice. Better than my one ^^


I start too... With a verry bad and evil Planet... Tehehe...


Name: Queen of Pain' date=' Emporess Selene (Planet: Prison Colony - Kaurava III)

War Fare: 50

Economy: 40

Freedom:0 (Its a prison planet, were slaves work... They dont have any freedom XD)

Tech. Advancement: 40

Type of Gov't: Prison planet. Incredible economy or Weapon research place. Maybe because all new weapons can be testet instantly on rebells... ?

Mainly Developed Product: 60% Weapons 40% Minerals

Mainly Needed Product: Slaves, Medicine, Entertainment,...

Planet Notes: Kaurava III is the worst known place ever. The survive stat is 3%. If you break law there you got killed instantly. And the law is Selene. End of transmission. Kauravas Army is incredible, but it have to be to keep the rebels down.


Accepted? ^^



I hope you realize no one is going to plan on taking a trip to your planet xD.


Accepted. Because of the event, you gain 1 Success Point.

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But why not? The holiday section of my planet is small, but there is one =3


Awesome66, Unorthodox Simplicity and Nexev got a flyer in their post account...


Problems with law-breaker? Overfilled Prisons? No idea what to do with all the people you dont want to have?

Why not a Alliance with Kaurava III?


The easiest way to get rid of all the sc... you dont want to have, and also getting money for!!!


We pay good prices for good slav... prisoners ^^

No guarantee for bringing them back... in one piece... alive...

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The technoghosts wish to form an alliance with the Umbrians.


It is also of note that the laboring Physics caste are building a large space station in order to prove their worth before the machinery caste. The wish for the Umbrians help in building this item, promising to share the station with them as a sign of good will. The machinery and medicine guild are amused by the physic's guild attempts and authorized it.

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