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The Intergalactic Empire Game


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Infawn' date=' I believe we would make great trade partners. Worry not, for I will not ask for any money. But that steel, Rogenite... I would be able to trade you bountifuls of crystals and money for it. My crystals do come as gold, you know...


So, trade partners?


From an Aquaintance,

King Cephus


I would love to, but the cost of shipping it 270 Lightyears will be too much...


Rule of Infawn


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Infawn' date=' I believe we would make great trade partners. Worry not, for I will not ask for any money. But that steel, Rogenite... I would be able to trade you bountifuls of crystals and money for it. My crystals do come as gold, you know...


So, trade partners?


From an Aquaintance,

King Cephus


I would love to, but the cost of shipping it 270 Lightyears will be too much...


Rule of Infawn



You can't anyway, because your Economy's BAD. When you get some success points, work on that.

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Infawn' date=' I believe we would make great trade partners. Worry not, for I will not ask for any money. But that steel, Rogenite... I would be able to trade you bountifuls of crystals and money for it. My crystals do come as gold, you know...


So, trade partners?


From an Aquaintance,

King Cephus


I would love to, but the cost of shipping it 270 Lightyears will be too much...


Rule of Infawn



You can't anyway, because your Economy's BAD. When you get some success points, work on that.

That mean's I don't have the money...

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Infawn' date=' I believe we would make great trade partners. Worry not, for I will not ask for any money. But that steel, Rogenite... I would be able to trade you bountifuls of crystals and money for it. My crystals do come as gold, you know...


So, trade partners?


From an Aquaintance,

King Cephus


I would love to, but the cost of shipping it 270 Lightyears will be too much...


Rule of Infawn



You can't anyway, because your Economy's BAD. When you get some success points, work on that.

That mean's I don't have the money...


So it's the equivalent of what I just said, but in game terms so you don't break the 4th Wall(Don't ask.)


K. Carry on.

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I should probably explain my Gift Government for those who don't know.


In Cephus, ranking is determined by Credits. When you are born, you have a fixed amount of credits. It stays like this until you're 12, then you have the ability to gain or lose credits. Credits can be gained by doing good deeds. Credits are lost by doing bad deeds. Credits can also be gained by praying to your main constallation and/or zodiac symbol.


Learning will gain you Skill Points. Skill Points start out as 0 at birth, and can only be gained during your lifetime. The amount gained, though, makes the difference.


When applying for any position, from a Waiter to a seat in the Class (Senate), you must have a certian amount of Stars. Star = [Credits + Skill Points - [(Skill Points - Credits) - (Credits - Skill Points)] / 2] So, lets say you had a Credit of 12 and Skill Point of 15. [12 + 15 - [(15 - 12) - (12 - 15) / 2] = 10.5. Where as, lacking one of the traits or both will result in a lower score.


That's the Gift Government for you. Buying and selling is still done in currency, though.

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I should probably explain my Gift Government for those who don't know.


In Cephus' date=' ranking is determined by Credits. When you are born, you have a fixed amount of credits. It stays like this until you're 12, then you have the ability to gain or lose credits. Credits can be gained by doing good deeds. Credits are lost by doing bad deeds. Credits can also be gained by praying to your main constallation and/or zodiac symbol.


Learning will gain you Skill Points. Skill Points start out as 0 at birth, and can only be gained during your lifetime. The amount gained, though, makes the difference.


When applying for any position, from a Waiter to a seat in the Class (Senate), you must have a certian amount of Stars. Star = [Credits + Skill Points - [(Skill Points - Credits) - (Credits - Skill Points)'] / 2] So, lets say you had a Credit of 12 and Skill Point of 15. [12 + 15 - [(15 - 12) - (12 - 15) / 2] = 10.5. Where as, lacking one of the traits or both will result in a lower score.


That's the Gift Government for you. Buying and selling is still done in currency, though.


Quite interesting. Quite interesting indeed.


Any other ideas for this game?

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I should probably explain my Gift Government for those who don't know.


In Cephus' date=' ranking is determined by Credits. When you are born, you have a fixed amount of credits. It stays like this until you're 12, then you have the ability to gain or lose credits. Credits can be gained by doing good deeds. Credits are lost by doing bad deeds. Credits can also be gained by praying to your main constallation and/or zodiac symbol.


Learning will gain you Skill Points. Skill Points start out as 0 at birth, and can only be gained during your lifetime. The amount gained, though, makes the difference.


When applying for any position, from a Waiter to a seat in the Class (Senate), you must have a certian amount of Stars. Star = [Credits + Skill Points - [(Skill Points - Credits) - (Credits - Skill Points)'] / 2] So, lets say you had a Credit of 12 and Skill Point of 15. [12 + 15 - [(15 - 12) - (12 - 15) / 2] = 10.5. Where as, lacking one of the traits or both will result in a lower score.


That's the Gift Government for you. Buying and selling is still done in currency, though.


Quite interesting. Quite interesting indeed.


Any other ideas for this game?


No, not really. But thanks for the support.

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The History of Infawn's Economy


Infawn used to be a prosperous planet, one of the most thriving places in the universe, but the planet's greatest discovery will desolate it. Infawn is High-tech, all the buildings was made of steel, which was dirt cheap. the Infawnians wanted something better, One day, a Scientist by the name of Jerald Rogen solved this problem, Rogenite. By melting steel, and adding Cresinate in a 1:1 ratio, then having it solidify, you get a material called Forizen, a gelatinous solid of a silvery color. Test showed that this material was practically indestructible. If they could give this substance a metal body, they would have a metal so precious, they would be so powerful, so rich, that all other worlds will be trivial, survival of the fittest, right? Jerald Rogen found that by sprinkling particles of Roentgenium over Forizen, The particles of Roentgenium will get a Blue color, and have the properties of the Forizen. by smoldering these particles into a single bar, you get the beloved Rogenite.


Steel was now trivial, Infawn made everything out of Rogenite, the demand of Rogenite shot up, everyone wanted it. People wanted so much Rogenite that the workers got overworked, then, crash boom, scream. Trillions of IGC were lost that day, the Day the Rogenite Plants crashed. Noone had money, Only Rogenite. Not even the government, trying to see if they can make it into war supplies, had money. the Infawn army improved dramatically due to the government's success, but the economy was now dead, we were going to sell as much Rogenite as possible, but we had no money to send it. the Infawnians were screwed.


PS- Cresinate is not found outside of Infawn, which has many mines, so the manufacturing of Rogenite anywhere outside Infawn is impossible...

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:D More stories! This one is a Religious article found under someone's house.


Crystals in Cephus were never heard of. Days of rain and snow, of ice and sun, Cephians thought this planet was torture. Praying to Aquarius for less rain, they hoped their plea would be heard. Finally one day, a young boy named Perseus and his twin brother, Persius, both prayed to this goddess. They said, "Oh, great Constallation, hung like a portrait in the sky, please answer our call. Water has come like a raging bull, knocking everything down in its way. But as the bull came and left, no traces of its appearance were found, no signal of where it came from, and where it went. Please, grant us less water, and water to stay." Luckily for the boys, Aquarius was at Zenith, and she appeared in the temple they were praying in.


"This place has not been cursed, but has been blessed by the evil of dawn." the spirit said, though its mouth would not open. "Lovely water cannot stay, for this planet has been seeded with the evil of Scorpious, tormented to have plenty of something, but nothing to stay." The spirit came closer, her great power echoing with each step. "But just as light is brightest in the dark, good is best in bad." The spirit held up her hands. "Water and earth will mix, and mix into something of great potential. When this potential is at its fullest, it will glorify into something beautiful, for everyone to enjoy." And what she said became.


And, for as long as curses are true, and blight is in existance, water will be cursed, to turn into something new. And ever since that day, the land turned to crystal, and a curse became a blessing.

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Planet Cephus, I permit you to vist in Infawn, even if for a short while, your crystals will be worth thousands to our people, even in a small amount, we will give your visitors Rogenite to come back with, for your nation.


Accept or decline, the choice is yours


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Planet Cephus' date=' I permit you to colonize in Infawn, even if for a short while, your crystals will be worth thousands to our people, even in a small amount, we will give your colonists Rogenite to come back with, for your nation.


Accept or decline, the choice is yours




Not how colonies work here, mate. He can visit for a day, but he cannot colonize.

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Why, welcome, Umbrians. My wife, Cassiopia, will show you around. I myself have some buisness to do with a very civilized, but cursed planet. I am quite sorry I cannot stay, but I am sure my wife will entertain you as much as I would have.


King Cephus and a few followers arrive at Infawn.

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You can also visit planets without permission.

Except I have a army' date=' and no alliance with Cephus, you should need permission to enter a planet peacefully...



Yes you are. You, me, Cephus, and Zayeaon are in one big alliance. Plus, do you need permission to travel to another country? No. It's the same thing. It's not like I'm sending an entire fleet to his planet for vacation.


When you visit another planet, 'tis a compliment.


EDIT: Ah, yes. I am quite interested in the wonders of your planet, not only that, I need a break. So much stress, and I need some time to relieve myself.

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You can also visit planets without permission.

Except I have a army' date=' and no alliance with Cephus, you should need permission to enter a planet peacefully...



Yes you are. You, me, Cephus, and Zayeaon are in one big alliance. Plus, do you need permission to travel to another country? No. It's the same thing. It's not like I'm sending an entire fleet to his planet for vacation.


When you visit another planet, 'tis a compliment.


EDIT: Ah, yes. I am quite interested in the wonders of your planet, not only that, I need a break. So much stress, and I need some time to relieve myself.

Well that makes warfare boring...

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You can also visit planets without permission.

Except I have a army' date=' and no alliance with Cephus, you should need permission to enter a planet peacefully...



Yes you are. You, me, Cephus, and Zayeaon are in one big alliance. Plus, do you need permission to travel to another country? No. It's the same thing. It's not like I'm sending an entire fleet to his planet for vacation.


When you visit another planet, 'tis a compliment.


EDIT: Ah, yes. I am quite interested in the wonders of your planet, not only that, I need a break. So much stress, and I need some time to relieve myself.

Well that makes warfare boring...


I'm trying to create an allyship with 5 countries, so we may gain some Success Points.

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Yes, follow me, please. Cassiopia lead the Umbrians to the back of the castle, and into an ancient ruin.


Our people use to be so successful in life. We have these ruins, representing the Zodiacs in past life, and now a drive to make us prosperous, even more than last time. The Zodiacs are ruined from war and violence, but some still come here for prayer, and peace. I hope you can think in ease at this place.

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Yes' date=' follow me, please. Cassiopia lead the Umbrians to the back of the castle, and into an ancient ruin.


Our people use to be so successful in life. We have these ruins, representing the Zodiacs in past life, and now a drive to make us prosperous, even more than last time. The Zodiacs are ruined from war and violence, but some still come here for prayer, and peace. I hope you can think in ease at this place.



Hmmmm.....fascinating. It does seem like a very.......well......I'm not sure. It feels peaceful, but in a way I cannot describe. Quite strange, yet quite interesting. Do you know exactly how this place came to be?

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