Infinitus Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 [spoiler=Rules/Gameplay]Here's how it goes: [spoiler=Intro/Success Points]You create a planet, with unique species of creatures. You can be an advanced planet, primitive planet, modern planet, whatever you choose. The government, environment, economy, people, primary export/import products, resources for imports, are ALL UP TO YOU. Here, we can trade goods with, create alliances with, even go to war with other player's planets. In most games like this, the creator would be sort of a gamemaster, and in a way I am, but I do not control what happens. You can create laws, you can create monuments and cities, you can do so many things with your country to help it prosper and grow. Of course, you can't do these things willy nilly and whenever you want. You need to progress and grow gradually. That is why there are Success Points. Success Points are the EXP and Currency of the game. You start out with 130, and distribute that to whatever stats you wish when you create a planet. There will be the following categories: War Fair(How powerful is your country's army?):Economy(How good is your economy? Stable, on the rocks?):Freedom(How much rights the people have. Are they free or opressed?):Technological Advancement(How advanced is your civilization?): When you improve your statistics, your overall stats will change, which is your country's level, so to speak. It is an average of all the planet's statistics. With each week your planet survives, it gains 5 success points, which you can save up or distribute to your planet's stats. When you successfully create an alliance with 5 or more planets, each planet gains 2 success points. When you successfully conquer a planet, you gain 5 success points. When you successfully create a city, you gain 2 success points. You start out with 1 city, which will be your main city, but that doesn't count. When you successfully develop a trade system with another planet, both planets gain 3 success points. [spoiler=Alliances]You can simply ask a planet for an alliance, and you can call each other for backup in battle. Of course, the planet has to accept before you become an alliance. When you conquer a planet, everyone gains the success points, regardless of participation. Cool huh? [spoiler=Trade] First of all, before you even think about trade, your economy needs to be healthy enough FOR trade. You need at least 35 Success Points in Economics to create a trade pattern. For each day that the trade route prospers, all planets involved will gain 1 Success Point. Both planets need to fill out this form: Planet Name:Trade Product(s): The Trade Product should also be a product you are in abundance of, or else it could run out, and if it runs out, then the trade pattern is stopped until it is replenished, which will take 3 days. Ouch. [spoiler=TO WAR!!!!!]You want to kick a planet's arse? Then you'd better be a powerful planet! You can simply declare war, and it will happen. But pick your battles, or else you might end up getting YOUR arse kicked. Depending on your stats, that is the amount of battles won. Whoever wins 10 battles, wins the war. There will be a battle each day. If you defeat a planet, any trade routes that are being conducted by that planet are cancelled. If your planet is defeated, you go back to the last Checkpoint. You can create a checkpoint for yourself at any time, so if you lose a war, your planet will be revived to what it was before the war. You CANNOT, defeat the same planet twice in a row. [spoiler=Values]Allowing citizens to have freedom and non-oppression allows for better karma. The better the karma, the nicer fate is to you ;). Of course, that doesn't stop fate from screwing with you a little, but it's much less likely when you are a nice planet. [spoiler=Building your Civilization]You can create a number of things with stored Success Points. You can create Civilization Pieces. There are 4.: Cities(Increases Economy by 4. 10 Success Points)Architectual Masterpieces(Increases Tech. Advancement by 4. 10 Success Points)Military Base(Increases War Fair by 4. 10 Success Points)Freedom Monuments(Increases Freedom by 4. 10 Success Points). [spoiler=And, exactly WHAT do I gain from this?]See, there are also Success Rankings and Titles. You go farther up the Rankings when you have a high overall, conquer planets, develop trade systems, create alliances, buy Civilization Pieces, etc. If you stay at the number 1 spot for a week, you gain a rep. As for titles, it's like XBOX 360 Achievments. The more decorated your planet is, the higher you can go up the Rankings, and you gain 3 success points for every title. For example, there are: Ghangis Khan: Conquer 4 different planets. Much Better then America was: Get your Economic Status up to 50. Organization XIII: Create an Alliance with 10 or more planets. (Goes to all members.) New York, New York: Create 5 Civilization Pieces ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWAH!!!: Get your Freedom Stats up to 50. Etc. So, work hard, and it will pay off. [spoiler=ONOZ!!!!]Sometimes Fate is beautiful and majestic, and sometimes she is a real pain in the arse. Every so often, there will be an event, good or bad, that could apply to everyone, or just you. Not only that, you should immediately react accordingly. If there is an event that causes your economy to temporarily go bad, you'd better cancel your trade! If you are not on, then you'd better rely on your trade partner to cancel trade, or else your bad economy will become THEIR bad economy! I'm going to go easy on you the first week of the game, and let you relax a little. [spoiler=You Tourists with your Hawaiin T-Shirts, and your Flip Flops..]You can visit other planets! It's a time when you can visit other planets, enjoy the sites, and not have to worry about your planet. If you are in a tight spot, and you want to make sure your planet stays status quo, and let it revive a little, then visit other planets! It will improve your Freedom stat by 1, allowing for better karma and a better day when you return. Not only that, you give the planet you visited a Success Point. So be generous, and enjoy a little sight seeing! [spoiler=Application]Name:War Fare:Economy:Freedom:Tech. Advancement:Type of Gov't:Mainly Developed Product:Mainly Needed Product:Planet Notes: [spoiler=Players(Ranking next to name.)]4. awesome66(Planet of Umbrian)War Fare: 40(8-18Economy: 33Freedom: 30Tech. Advancement: 30 (Try to be balanced. Any stat that is 15 or below is considered a low statistic.)Type of Government: Empire (Ruled by Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness.)Mainly Developed Product: Special Tech./WeaponryMainly Needed Product: Crops (We're good on Meat.)[spoiler=Planet Notes:] A planet that is very advanced, and it's capital city, Umbra, is a very advanced and bustling city. The freedom level is in the middle, allowing for a nice, but still strong government. it's economy is stable, could be better, but it's still okay. It's war power is pretty good, above average, as well as it's Technological Advancement. Overall: 33Success Points: 0 5. Name: ZayaeonWar Fare: 50(10-20)Economy: 28Freedom: 5 Tech. Advancement: 50Type of Gov't: Despotismic (Rules with Iron Fist)Mainly Developed Product: Weaponary 50%, Food 40% everything else 10%Mainly Needed Product: Stone (Our world is practically a giant Cyber City, water and food are harvested in towers or underground lab facilities)Planet Notes:[spoiler=Planet Info]At the center of the universe one of the most highly advanced technological planets thrives.A giant sprawling cybernectic metropolis of culture and technology.Weaponry and nuclear technology is produced at it's finest here.Food is produced in mega towers that stand above everything up to the atmosphere or underground lab facilities.Bases in the core of the planet are growing studying ecological and natural disasters in the fututre.The planet never declines friendship or allyship. Overall: 33Success Points: 0 1. Name: CephusWar Fare: 20(4-14)Economy: 40Freedom: 25Tech. Advancement: 45Type of Gov't: Gift Government (A Mixture of Communism, Monarchy, Republic, Democracy, Capitalism, and Tyranny)Mainly Developed Product: Power/Energy/Fuel, Iron/Steel, and Crystals Mainly Needed Product: Wood, Food, and WaterPlanet Notes: -Planet Cephus is not the name of the planet. The real name is a mystery, forgotten through the ages. It is said that saying the name while in Cephus will either destroy the planet, or grant it eternal peace. Cephus is the planet's most prosperous country. You will find that the cities on this planet match the stars and constallations on the celestial globe. Cephus is the 2nd planet closest to the main star. It has a ring similar to Saturns, but it is made up of intense Gamma Rays and deadly gases. Cephus's atmostphere has 5 known layers, Troposphere, Endosphere, Mesosphere, Ectosphere, and finally the Thermosphere. Cephus's atmosphere is 17% Oxygen and 34% Hydrogen, so it rains a lot. Even though rains are frequent, the ground is composed of minerals that soak up the water easily. The minerals, when holding their maximum capacity of water, condense and turn into crystals. When it does not rain, Cephus is hit with intense rays. -A lot of radiation can be found crossing its surface. This radiation can be between X-Ray wavelengths and Microwave wavelengths. Scientists have learned to harness this radiation to create energy to power many things. Scientists also say that there use to be Gamma Rays and Radio Waves o the surface, but some reaction caused them to fly out into space, making the land livable.Overall: 32Success Points: 4 3.Name: InfawnWar Fare: 50(10-20)Economy: 9Freedom: 5Tech. Advancement: 70Type of Gov't: DictatorshipMainly Developed Product: Rogenite (A super developed Steel)Mainly Needed Product: Money/GoldPlanet Notes: This planet can make or build anything, they used this to a point that they are low on money and need it desperately...Overall: 34Success Points: 0 6.Name: CeDeFiA (Planet of Bombordia)War Fare: 65(13-23)Economy: 50Freedom: 5Tech. Advancement: 10Type of Gov't: Bombinism (Makes bombs/Nukes/Atomic Bombs)Mainly Developed Product: Bombs (Atomic/Nukes/Regular)Mainly Needed Product: Food.Planet Notes: Bombordia is a planet for whoever steps on it, faces the rest of their life to making bombs to blow up other planets. Citizens here get fed only twice a day. Bombordia holds the highest number of Nukes and Atomic bombs known to man. It allies with any other Planet that asks, and destroys their enemies. The weather here varies. Sometimes it rains alot from all the smoke that flies up into the air, but every citizen has a special suit that protects them from this toxic gas. Anyone who breaths it, dies within 5 hours. No antidote has been found. Overall: 32Success Points: 1 2.Name: Nexev of the Ingenuity astreoid systemWar Fare:15(3-13)Economy:32Freedom:15Tech. Advancement:70Type of Gov't: Government is divided into the medicinal branch, mechanical branch and the physic branch. At birth a chip is implanted into your brain that while keeping your thougths private accurately ranks your skills and field of expertise. Mechanists and builders go into the mechanical branch, doctors and chemists go in medicinal branch and physics branch are the others. People are then given higher or lower positions determined by how your chip ranks you.Mainly Developed Product: machinery is extremely common place and many of the planets patents are sold to foreign planets. Basically the planet makes discoverers for their living.Mainly Needed Product: Plants, as an asteroid system they have no naturally growing plants so medical branch have to make long treks to gather ingredients.Planet Notes: The asteroid system is a mediums sized cluster of 100 asteroids, each holding around two cites. The asteroids are close together and the natives have spent a good deal of time mechanizing the system. What the planet can do is unknown to anyone but the natives. Travel through the asteroids is possible through teleportation pads. It is also worthy to note that the native species are in fact insubstantial and make a living by possessing machines to affect the real world. So no one really knows how hey pt the chip into your head. Overall: 33Success Points: 3 7. Name: Queen of Pain, Emporess Selene (Planet: Prison Colony - Kaurava III)War Fare: 50(10-20Economy: 40Freedom:0 (Its a prison planet, were slaves work... They dont have any freedom XD)Tech. Advancement: 40Type of Gov't: Prison planet. Incredible economy or Weapon research place. Maybe because all new weapons can be testet instantly on rebells... ?Mainly Developed Product: 60% Weapons 40% MineralsMainly Needed Product: Slaves, Medicine, Entertainment,...Planet Notes: Kaurava III is the worst known place ever. The survive stat is 3%. If you break law there you got killed instantly. And the law is Selene. End of transmission. Kauravas Army is incredible, but it have to be to keep the rebels down.Overall: 32Success Points: 1 8. Name: DontopiaWar Fare: 40(8-18)Economy:40Freedom:30Tech. Advancement:20Type of Gov't: (working on it.)Mainly Developed Product: robo-solders(technacly not citizens)Mainly Needed Product: robo-serveants(see perenthasee above for details)Planet Notes: very peaceful if un-desturbed by war. Overall: 32Success Points: 0 9.Name: Ikinos Akinioka (Planet Name: Niknako Atacilotech)War Fare: 20(4-14)Economy: 20Freedom: 0Tech. Advancement: 90Type of Gov't: SlaveryMainly Developed Product: Purikin(A Metal that Emits a Luminous Glow, and is capable of Bringing Harmony to whoever Holds it), Whispite(A Malleable Metal, Alloys Containing this metal are Indestructable and is Very Poisonous), Dianokin (An Alloy that is Explosive), Indikon (An Alloy that Serves as a Power Supply), and Laser CrystalsMainly Needed Product: Steel, Diamond, Coal, Gold, Iron, Crystal, and MineralsPlanet Notes: Ikinos is Very Malevolent And his Empire is capable of Making an extremely Powerful Missle that Can Destroy a Planet with One Strike in the Very Case that They Go to war, But if they Do use this Weapon, Any Planet that Has witnessed it Will Go to War with His Empire, But whoever Allies with His Empire will Prosper Greatly, The Citizens Of this Empire are Capable of Manipulating Technology, Even to the Point of Creating Anti-Technology.Overall: 32Success Points: 0 [spoiler=NEW INSTALLMENTS!!!!!]-Colonies: Every once in a while, you can travel to another planet to colonize, which will increase all stats by 2, but will require 30 Tech Advancement. Can only be inhabited by 2 planets. -[spoiler=Tech. Advancement Store]Hello, and welcome to your possibilities. Here, once you've gained enough Technology Advancement(+40 Tech in order to shop here), you can obtain new ways of improving your planet here. Every once in a while, there will be a temperorary shop event, allowing for a fresh deal every day! Come and shop here, foo..I mean, customers....Heh heh... New electronic for the citizens+2 Economy. However, when you shop here, you must provide a description and pic/appearance description. What's the fun of simply having these events when you can customize them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horologia Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Maybe you shall change your name to COPYCAT !!! (Just kidding ^^ seems to me like that "O-Game" going to join later) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I AM BIB Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Name:Skulduggery Pleasant( planet of Utopia )War Fare:10Economy:35Freedom:40Tech. Advancement:30Type of Gov't:Free and Peaceful. Peace Treaty to all other PlanetsMainly Developed Product: Entertainment 30%,Weaponary 10%,Food 55%,Souvenouirs and rare items only found on Utopia. Windmills.Mainly Needed Product: Weaponary.Planet Notes: Currency: Credits. 1 Cdt = £3.55. Average Credits of families: 3400. If war is declared, My war fare will rise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ayy lmao Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Name: ZayaeonWar Fare: 50 Economy: 25 Freedom: 5 Tech. Advancement: 50Type of Gov't: Despotismic (Rules with Iron Fist)Mainly Developed Product: Weaponary 50%, Food 40% everything else 10%Mainly Needed Product: Stone (Our world is practically a giant Cyber City, water and food are harvested in towers or underground lab facilities)Planet Notes:[spoiler=Planet Info]At the center of the universe one of the most highly advanced technological planets thrives.A giant sprawling cybernectic metropolis of culture and technology.Weaponry and nuclear technology is produced at it's finest here.Food is produced in mega towers that stand above everything up to the atmosphere or underground lab facilities.Bases in the core of the planet are growing studying ecological and natural disasters in the fututre.The planet never declines friendship or allyship. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Infinitus Posted November 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Name: ZayaeonWar Fare: 100 (Out of 150)Economy: 90 (Out of 150)Freedom: 30 (Out of 150)Tech. Advancement: 100 (Out of 150)Type of Gov't: Despotismic (Rules with Iron Fist)Mainly Developed Product: Weaponary 50%' date=' Food 40% everything else 10%Mainly Needed Product: Stone (Our world is practically a giant Cyber City, water and food are harvested in towers or underground lab facilities)Planet Notes:[spoiler=Planet Info']At te center of the universe one of the most highly advanced technilogical planets thrives.A gaint sprawling cybernectic metropolis of culture and technology.Weaponry and nuclear technology is produced at it's finest here.Food is produced in mega towers that stand above everything up to the atmosphere or underground lab facilities.Bases in the core of the planet are growing studying ecological and natural disasters in the fututre.The planet never declines friendship or allyship. Could you please distribute your statistics out of 100? That would be appreciated. ^_^ Also, Skulduggery, you go over the stat limit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ayy lmao Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Edited. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Infinitus Posted November 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 It's over the stat limit. The stat limit provided is 100. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ayy lmao Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 What do you want me to do put my stats over 100 or less than 100?!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Infinitus Posted November 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 What do you want me to do put my stats over 100 or less than 100?!? YOU have 100 points to distribute to your stats. I bet I worded it wrong in my description. I hate my incompetance. Also, Skullduggery also broke this rule. I will have to remove him until he changes his app. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ayy lmao Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Oh, edited I didn't understand what you said to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Infinitus Posted November 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Accepted. I, of course, wouldn't want to visit your planet, provided you would oppress me. HARD. EDIT: We have a bit of a problem. Because there are 4 subjects, and 100 available stat points, then the overall is always going to be 25. I'm gonna change it to 130. Sorry for the inconveniance, but you must edit. Again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Altαir Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Name: CephusWar Fare: 20Economy: 40Freedom: 25Tech. Advancement: 45Type of Gov't: Gift Government (A Mixture of Communism, Monarchy, Republic, Democracy, Capitalism, and Tyranny)Mainly Developed Product: Power/Energy/Fuel, Iron/Steel, and Crystals Mainly Needed Product: Wood, Food, and WaterPlanet Notes: -Planet Cephus is not the name of the planet. The real name is a mystery, forgotten through the ages. It is said that saying the name while in Cephus will either destroy the planet, or grant it eternal peace. Cephus is the planet's most prosperous country. You will find that the cities on this planet match the stars and constallations on the celestial globe. Cephus is the 2nd planet closest to the main star. It has a ring similar to Saturns, but it is made up of intense Gamma Rays and deadly gases. Cephus's atmostphere has 5 known layers, Troposphere, Endosphere, Mesosphere, Ectosphere, and finally the Thermosphere. Cephus's atmosphere is 17% Oxygen and 34% Hydrogen, so it rains a lot. Even though rains are frequent, the ground is composed of minerals that soak up the water easily. The minerals, when holding their maximum capacity of water, condense and turn into crystals. When it does not rain, Cephus is hit with intense rays. -A lot of radiation can be found crossing its surface. This radiation can be between X-Ray wavelengths and Microwave wavelengths. Scientists have learned to harness this radiation to create energy to power many things. Scientists also say that there use to be Gamma Rays and Radio Waves o the surface, but some reaction caused them to fly out into space, making the land livable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Infinitus Posted November 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 ALRIGHT, I'M EDITTING THIS A BIT. INSTEAD OF 100, THE STAT LIMIT IS 130. OTHERWISE, THE OVERALL IS ALWAYS 25. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ayy lmao Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Message from the high crown of Zayaeon to Umbrian High Palace. Zayaeon would like to apply an allyship with the planet of Umbrian.You can travel freely into our nation and will be highly recognized.In time of war or help we will assist.I hope you make the right descision. Yours sincerely,Emperor Ralin IIXV and Emperess Catherine IIV EDIT: Update post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Altαir Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 ...Then may I edit my post? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Infinitus Posted November 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Message from the high crown of Zayaeon to Umbrian High Palace. Zayaeon would like to apply an allyship with the planet of Umbrian.You can travel freely into our nation and will be highly recognized.In time of war or help we will assist.I hope you make the right descision. Yours sincerely' date='Emperor Ralin IIXV and Emperess Catherine IIV EDIT: Update post.[/quote'] Hmmm, quite the interesting proposition. I shall except your invitation, and I hope our planets shall prosper, in unity. Your Ally,Emperor Ansem EDIT: Yes you may. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ayy lmao Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Cephus planet, the message I sent in this thread to the Umbrian Planet I am sending to you.Do you agree to allyship? EDIT: BREAKING NEWS! Our scientists have recently discovered a lush, uninhabited, beautiful planet in the Dragon Nebula.Zayaeon would like to propose with the Umbrian planet if they wish to colonize it along with us.We are waiting for response. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Altαir Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Yes, we will accept your offer. May Adromeda leave you alone, and may you cities grow powerful. Your Friend,King Cephus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Chrono Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Name: InfawnWar Fare: 50Economy: 5Freedom: 5Tech. Advancement: 70Type of Gov't: DictatorshipMainly Developed Product: Rogenite (A super developed Steel)Mainly Needed Product: Money/GoldPlanet Notes: This planet can make or build anything, they used this to a point that they are low on money and need it desperately...Did I do it right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Infinitus Posted November 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Cephus planet' date=' the message I sent in this thread to the Umbrian Planet I am sending to you.Do you agree to allyship? EDIT: BREAKING NEWS! Our scientists have recently discovered a lush, uninhabited, beautiful planet in the Dragon Nebula.Zayaeon would like to propose with the Umbrian planet if they wish to colonize it along with us.We are waiting for response.[/quote'] --Dang. I should've thought of Colonies. WELL DONE! Hmmmmm......this discovery is quite remarkable. Do you have any discovery as to their resources and geography? get the idea. EDIT: You are accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Altαir Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Infawn, I believe we would make great trade partners. Worry not, for I will not ask for any money. But that steel, Rogenite... I would be able to trade you bountifuls of crystals and money for it. My crystals do come as gold, you know... So, trade partners? From an Aquaintance,King Cephus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Infinitus Posted November 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Infawn' date=' I believe we would make great trade partners. Worry not, for I will not ask for any money. But that steel, Rogenite... I would be able to trade you bountifuls of crystals and money for it. My crystals do come as gold, you know... So, trade partners? From an Aquaintance,King Cephus[/quote'] You can trade, but he can't, his Economy's too low. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Altαir Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 I have a proposition! We must first create an intergalactical currency! We will then set our rates based on this currency. This will make trading with money a lot easier, do you not think? Infawn' date=' I believe we would make great trade partners. Worry not, for I will not ask for any money. But that steel, Rogenite... I would be able to trade you bountifuls of crystals and money for it. My crystals do come as gold, you know... So, trade partners? From an Aquaintance,King Cephus[/quote'] You can trade, but he can't, his Economy's too low. Dangit. Oh well, I guess I'll wait... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Chrono Posted November 21, 2009 Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 Agreed, One currency will make everything a lot eaisier...Maybe call them IGC's (Intergalatic Currency) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Infinitus Posted November 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 21, 2009 I have a proposition! We must first create an intergalactical currency! We will then set our rates based on this currency. This will make trading with money a lot easier' date=' do you not think? Infawn' date=' I believe we would make great trade partners. Worry not, for I will not ask for any money. But that steel, Rogenite... I would be able to trade you bountifuls of crystals and money for it. My crystals do come as gold, you know... So, trade partners? From an Aquaintance,King Cephus[/quote'] You can trade, but he can't, his Economy's too low. Dangit. Oh well, I guess I'll wait... It won't matter, because all you'll do is trade it, nothing more. It will just be considered "Intergalactic Currency" when you trade it. You won't need to know HOW MUCH, just that it's being traded. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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