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I lol at everyone posting in this thread. Srsly. This is one go to hell smexy tag. Low-Solid Mod' date=' easy. Can I wear?


And who is this friend of yours? I'd like a talk with him ^.^



I haven't slept in over 48 hours, I start to not see things.


I hate loud parties that neighbors have with music blasting louder than the limit of volume.

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I lol at everyone posting in this thread. Srsly. This is one go to hell smexy tag. Low-Solid Mod' date=' easy. Can I wear?


And who is this friend of yours? I'd like a talk with him ^.^



Oh yeah? Well...I lol at you! D:


I just don't find it very nice, just my personal opinion. Geez, JG.

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