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OOC: I just thought of something I forgot to put in my app. I'll add it and can someone tell me if they think I should delete it or not.


Nakamura was out for a relaxing fly. He soared over the mountains, not a care in the world. The only thing that could stop this great pleasure of his were monsters. Strangely enough this was the first time he'd been able to do this for ages, the only problem was that the great time he was having was about to come to an ubrupt end.

He spotted something on the ground below and started a nose dive, stopping before the ground and landing. Just as he thought, monsters. He changed to a human and drew his swords, silently creeping through the trees. He came to one close enough to hear them, but they weren't talking about anything interesting so he shot a ball of fire at one of the monsters, jumping to another tree before they noticed him. The fire hit the monster directly in the chest, sending the burning body sprawling to the ground. The other monsters rushed over to the tree the fire came from and Nakamura shot another one, this time climbing the tree. They rushed over to the other tree and Nakamura jumped out of the tree, landing with his swords in two of the monsters. The rest of them charged. There were only three so this wasn't too much of a problem. He shot fire at one of them, stopping it dead in mid air, and slashed the other two. One of them got up and drew a sword so he shot a ball of fire directly at the sword. It melted away, giving him a chance to strike. The slash connected and the monster fell into two pieces.

'And that's the end of that chapter,' Nakamura said, as he transformed back into a dragon and flew off.

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Kirimono red the paper. It said:


Dear Warrior,


Your powers are very strong. You have been summoned to my ancient temple to show the true purpose of your powers. Your visions will lead the way. You and other warriors possess the power of the dragons. When the time comes, you shall understand everything.






Kirimono had finally understood the explanation of his visions. He went inside and began to relax. He then heard a scream from 3 doors down. He quickly stood up, and jumped through his window. He followed the scream to his friend Sarah's house. "Dragon Armor, go!" As he said that, the dragon armor appeared and summoned his sword. "Alondite! Double Sword Slash!" When said he launched 2 projectile slashes, busting down the door. "Dragon Armor, repent!" When saying that, his armor disappeared. "Sarah, are you all right?!" He didn't see her anywhere. He sensed an evil presence near him. "i know you're here. Show yourself!"

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OOC: Actually, c4, I planned on everyone going to the same person for wisdom.


John couldn't keep an amused smile off his face, and before long, that smile grew into a chuckle, and then a laugh, and then a downright mocking laugh. He couldn't believe a word of this. Not only does this guru sound like a complete nutcase, but there is no mountain west of the city. He almost ripped up the letter right then and there, but there was one thing about him that disagreed with John's skepitcalness about this letter: his instincts.


Something seemed strange about this guru, and he had a feeling that this guru was a little less nutty than appeared. Though one question bugged him like a bug that had crawled beneath his skin and planned on feasting on his muscles. Exactly where could he be? There was no mountain to the west of the city. The only significat landmark out to the west of the city was the......


It had hit him before his mind could finish it's statement. This mountain was not a surface mountain.

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Siege had randomly been awaken by a strange smell coming from the outside of his home. He yawned rather loudly and stepped out of bed. "Hmm, what's that smell?" he said as he headed into his closet to find what he'd be wearing for the day. He got his clothes picked out, and put them on. A few minutes later, after admiring himself in his mirror, he stepped outside to find the source of the peculiar smell.



He followed the source of the smell until he figured out he had walked out all the way into a forest. "Well, I'm already lost, might as well try and find that smell," he said as he trotted farther down into the forest. Siege then stumbled upon a bush with a fruit he had never seen before in his life. He picked one, and ate it. "Mmmm," he thought as he picked ten more.

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Ryker, in full dragon form, was flying high in the air out to the only nearby mountain range he knew of. He'd received a strange letter from a "Dragon Guru" who said he would explain what he was to do with his powers. Quite the odd way to get a question answered. Ryker had been wondering what to do with the powers for awhile and suddenly an answer turns up in the form of a letter from an old man.


As Ryker continued to fly he could only hope this man lived in the mountain range on the edge of town. The letter hadn't given any specifics as to where to go other than a cave in a mountain. Then Ryker remembered the direction specified and was fairly confident he was going in the right direction. "What exactly will this man have to say?" Ryker thought.

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Nakamura was just about to finish his relaxing fly. It was dissapointing. He knew that this would probably the last time he'd be able to do this for a while. He slowed down a bit, practically letting the wind drag him along. He got to his house when it got dark.

'Boy I'm tired,' he said, yawning. He went to his bed and slept.

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Siege looked up at the sky and realized, it was a great day out for swimming. He first found his way out of the forest, while eating those berries he found during the adventure out of the forest.


"Ah, I see my house o'er the hill up there," Siege said as he trotted up the hill and got to the top. The ocean was spotted out of the corner of his eye, and the moment it was, he changed into his dragon form and flew right above it. As soon as he was over the water, he changed back into a human and cannonballed into the water!

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Eventually, while searching the house, Kirimono found Sarah, unconscious. He ran up to her. "Sarah, wake up. C'mon, wake up!" He began to hear footsteps behind him. Kirimono turned slowly. The man jumped him. Kirimono threw him over his shoulder. He walked up to him and widened his eyes. "Oh, my God! What are you doing here?!"


OoC: awesome, what do you mean by going to the same person for wisdom?

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OoC: I'm not letting this RP die that easily.


The man was Kintaro. He stood up and said, "Me?! What about..?" He paused while looking at Kirimono. "YOU!!" "I'll ask again. What are you doing here?" Kirimono asked again. "I saw a big gaping hole while walking past this house. What about you, SIR!?" Kirimono began to get very annoyed. "Did you just call me sir? First of all, my name is Kirimono. Second, I'm here because I heard my friend Sarah-" He pointed at Sarah. "-screaming a few doors down and I...Uhhh...saw the big gaping hole and saw the place was recked." Kirimono continued and in the middle of it, something was taking over Kintaro.

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