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[spoiler=Rules=MUST READ]

-You know all the rules, but one I will emphasize is Godmodding. I despise it to the depths of my heart, and if you randomly and blatantly Godmod, regardless of if you know what it is or not, you will be perma'd from this Roleplay.


Smaller, more borderline offenses will result in a 1 day ban from the RP, and if it continues, the ban rate will continue to rise, until you are B& from this Roleplay.




-Do NOT center the plot around you. This includes:

--Making your character part of an ancient prophecy where he is a legendary hero with infinite power.


This RP is not about you, me, or John F. Kennedy. It's about all of us.



You, live in an average and modern world, completely blind to the truth that swirls around you. The legendary beasts of legend, dragons, are long extinct, but their powers reside in you.


Where people are blessed with a mark of a dragon, and have abilities of the dragon they have slain, and can even turn into that dragon.


But you see, deep in the Underworld, the one thing that was missing from the dragon-powers that people obtain, is here.


That is, the malevolent viciousness, bloodthirsty part of a dragon, allowing those blessed with the mark to control their powers.


This negative energy has manefested into a variety of undead beings. Gargoyles, vampires, werewolves, giants. They take the form of humans on Earth, but are truly these horrific beasts.


All of these were below the power of the dragon, and without the dragon power, they are merely angry monsters. They are after the Dragon's Lair, a secret cave hidden somewhere in the world, where the origin of dragons is kept, and if the Beasts of the Underwold obtain this truth, can become dragons once again, take their powers back, and destroy the world.


They don't want to destroy the world for revenge, but for sick kicks and a blood lust.







Appearance(IF description, at least 5 sentences):

Dragon Powers(Must be a specific type of dragon, not a pic and make up a dragon. I can not accept you if it's an OP'd dragon. Like the one that ate the moon and the sun.):

Undead Monster(If from Underworld):

Weapon(Optional, if you really want one. But it has to be something not modern.):

Bio(No less than 7 lines. No acceptions.):


[spoiler=My App]


Name: John Sedgewick

Gender: Male

Age: 15

[spoiler=Appearance]: A spikey, red haired young man with entoxicating, almost mesmorizing blue eyes. He is about 6 foot, almost exactly, and has a normal, not too skinny, not too fat figure. He often wears jeans with a T-shirt, and a suit blazer just to look cool. One thing he never takes off, is his lucky charm, a necklace with a small dragon, wrapping around a ruby in the center of the necklace. He sometimes wears a dented, shorter top hat that he tilts over his head, once again, to look cool.


Dragon Powers: Has the ability to transform into the a dragon similar to Beowulf's Dragon, and is slightly smaller, allowing for quick movement and flight. He can also open the wings, claws, tail, and breath fire at will, without changing into the dragon, because this costs lots of energy. He can also open one wing, take it out, and turn it into a razor sharp, slightly curved blade.

Bio: John can be a bit egotistical, and a bit of an arsehole. He loves to play guitar, and is quite a showman. He has a more sensative side, a more knowledgable side, one with understanding and kindness. His largest flaw is probably being lazy, and never doing anything. He can also be resourceful. Yet another one of his flaws, being an arsehole. He is often sarcastic and jokey, but truly hates being serious, and especially doing things.


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Name: Siege Freidank

Gender: M

Age: 19

Appearance(IF description, at least 5 sentences): swordsman.jpg

Dragon Powers(Must be a specific type of dragon, not a pic and make up a dragon. I can not accept you if it's an OP'd dragon. Like the one that ate the moon and the sun.): It is a dragon that dwells deep below the waters surface. It gives Siege the power to swim underwater for unlimited amounts of time without breathing. He also may sprout one wing from his upper back, a dark turquoise colored one, and fly long distances with it.

Undead Monster(If from Underworld):

Weapon(Optional, if you really want one. But it has to be something not modern.):

Bio(No less than 7 lines. No acceptions.): Siege is a very calm type of person; he knows when to actually go crazy when a situation becomes bad. He is a type of person who cares for others; he'll help old ladies across the street, etc. He trains/works-out constantly and is never really tired of it. With his ability to swim without having to breath, he trains his spine/back by going deep into the water, and deeper every following day. Siege also knows when to fight, and when NOT to fight and he always knows how to break up one between two village people. He spends his time in the library when he isn't training or helping old ladies; he loves to read about history of dragons and their abilities. He has found some interesting facts that have led other Adventurers to find rare kinds of dragons and keep them protected from harms way.



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Name: Sero

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance(IF description, at least 5 sentences): samuraishowdown_1_640.jpg

Dragon Powers(Must be a specific type of dragon, not a pic and make up a dragon. I can not accept you if it's an OP'd dragon. Like the one that ate the moon and the sun.): It is a dragon that dwells in the volcano. This dragon gives Sero the abiltiy to mainpulate fire and become fireproof. Sero can also conjure one wing on the right side of his back from that particular dragon. A blood red wing that he can fly long distances from one place to another at a very fast pace.

Weapon(Optional, if you really want one. But it has to be something not modern.): Sero possess the weapon, Sword of 5,000 volcanic dragons.

Bio(No less than 7 lines. No acceptions.): Sero is a quiet type of person who is very calm and does not like to talk alot. He is a calm person who has a lust for power in every way. Since his ability with being fireproof, he usually spends his time in slashing his sword around fire places like volcanos. He knows when the time is right to fight or to back down out of something serious but he takes it one step further. He learns from his grandfather and his father the abilites of the dragons when inside a human and that a particular human can actually turn into a dragon. He enjoys knowing the history of the dragon, all types, shapes and sizes, the power they hold as well. He also enjoys going on adventures that involve using his abilites with the dragon inside of him and knowing more on it's history.

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Name: Gan Oblyn

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown ( Appears to be 18 )

Appearance: A large, rather intimidating young man. He has eyes that appear hazel, but upon closer inspection they are actually a very dirty yellow. His brunette hair sits upon his head, heading in a million different directions, but still only six inches long. He stands at 6'3", and has a rather slender body -- not languid and thin, but also not too beefy or simply obese. Hairier than most, thick brown hairs line his arms, but this could easily be mistaken for a simply strong hair growth gene. He has permanent frown lines at the sides of his mouth, but when he does smile it can fool many different people into thinking he's harmless. His outfit usually consists of a white dress shirt and black slacks, with brown tennis shoes.

Undead Monster: Werewolf

Weapon: Simple chain with a small weight on the end

Bio: Oblyn, Werewolf offspring of the Underworld, is no exception to the desires most demons feel. He wants to become a Dragon, to soar high in the air and rain his fury down upon the world. To do this, he will associate with humans, posing as a college student in order to try and gain more information on the Origin of the Dragons. He has taken the pseudonym Gan in order to do this, and despite his rather off-putting appearance he's a rather popular guy, especially with women. At night, he ventures outside in search of clues to the Origin, still driven crazy by the primal urge to become one of those magnificent creatures from history. He has encountered one human who had the mark of a dragon once before, but in his attempts to hide his fury and maintain control over his human facade he lost track of the human. Since, he has not yet had an encounter with a chosen human.

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Name: Kirimono Murusaga II

Age: 17

Appearance: look-11.jpg(Ignoring the sword.)

Dragon Powers: It is a special dragon that dwells in the Dimension of Light. Kirimono can summon the Eye of the Dragon to see past the human disguises of the creatures of the Underworld, and allies who also possess the ancient powers of the dragons. He can purify any evil energy of the underworld that is temporarily controlling an average human soul. Kirimono's dragon form can become body armor (Excluding his tail). Knowing how to turn into his dragon form is still unknown to him.

Weapon: When summoning his body armor, the tail becomes a long, iron sword called the Alondite(Meaning, Sword of 1,000,000 Shining Stars).

[spoiler=Weapon Appearance]W551.jpg(The one on the middle with a white handle and a dragon symbol on both sides of the blade.)




January 22, 1992:

Kirimono Murusaga I, father of Kirimono II, was the first to possess the powers of the Dragon of Light. On November 24, he used the last of his strength to channel the powers of the Dragon of Light unto his newborn son. And because of that, Kirimono I died in front of his new son. This was the only time Kirimono II ever saw his father, and yet, he has no memory of it.


July 16, 2010(Today)


Kirimono II, after all these years, is explained by his mother the story of his father and how he transfered his very powers onto him. He did not believe it at first, but compared to the visions he had been seeing ever since he was 14, he had no choice but to believe, because evil has risen once again from the Underworld. His father told his mother what powers he can do so when the time comes, she can tell him how to use them and when they can be at enough power to use. Now that he knows what he must do, he must find the other dragon warriors in order to save the world once more.

Personality(Something I made separate for my character's bio/story): A selfless, caring person who wouldn't let anything bad happen to his friends. Would make sacrifices to protect the very ones he loves.


BTW, I'm doing this through my new Wii, so I had a lot of issues typing the whole thing. I will add the dragon armor pic soon.

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Name: Nakamura Kiato

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance(IF description, at least 5 sentences): [spoiler=Appearance]2pye2d1.jpg


Dragon Powers(Must be a specific type of dragon, not a pic and make up a dragon. I can not accept you if it's an OP'd dragon. Like the one that ate the moon and the sun.): Can transform into a dragon of similar appearance to Saphira from Eragon. He can use the dragons power from the dragon in his human form to give him the power he has over fire. He can also see clearly from hundreds of metres away, allowing him to spot his enemies from high up in the air.

Weapon(Optional, if you really want one. But it has to be something not modern.): [spoiler=Before touching red stone]2xlongsword_1.jpg


[spoiler=After touching red stone]2xFiresword.png

Has power over fire and slight power over lava. He can create rock from the lava, which he doesn't use for combat much, to allow him to fly. He can transfer power to his cat to make it grow slightly and allow it to battle by his side.

Bio(No less than 7 lines. No acceptions.):A lone ranger. He aligns himself with evil to give him guidelines, then he goes off on his own and will strike anyone who gets in his way. A skilled swordsman who wields two blades. One day he came across a bright red stone, stuck in a rock. His curiosity got the better of him so he reached out and grabbed it. There was a blinding flash and he felt flames licking him from every direction, yet strangely, it didn't hurt. Once it stopped, he unsheathed his blades only to find them red hot and flaming. From that day on he worked alone, not caring for anything but himself (and his cat: Sabre).

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OOC: Alright then, I believe it is safe to say it is okay to start.


John had yawned ungracefully, as his head tilted backward, after a long and average day at school. So far, his powers remained in check, which he had always worried about. He has never had a problem with his powers, except when he was very young, yet he still worried. He simply inhaled a deep breath, and continued walking. He eventually came up to his middle class, comfortable and normal home. He inserted the key into the knob, not before fishing for it in his seemingly endless pocket of tricks, and opened the door.


John had heared an unpleasant, irritating noise. From his stomach, came the rumbling of hunger like an earthquake. Finally, he closed the door, set his backpack on his couch, and hunted his refridgerator for something to eat. He eventually reheated a pizza from yesterday, and took a slice outside as he checked for mail.


He found a strange letter, with no return adress, with it stating at the top "Dear Warrior". He figured that would probably mean him, and his parents would probably freak about this, and complain about "YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN MORE CAREFUL!! BLAH BLAH BLAH, NAG NAGGITY NAG!". It read:


I, am the Dragon Guru, here to explain your purpose and destiny. You, and all the other warriors shall meet together in my ancient cave, at the mountain not too far to the west from this land. I am not familiar with your customs, and I hope I have used this communication system correctly. Why can't you just send a bird with a scroll like the good old days? Anyway, I'm sure you don't want to hear me rant like an old man, so I will finish this letter. Now. With this sentence. Right here. Immediately.


Your Mysterious Old Friend with no hair (Why can't I grow hair?)

The Guru

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I have to say that this looks really interesting. Pardon my posting an app right after you started the RP.


Name: Ryker Eisenberg

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: [spoiler=Pic]2u93j0l.jpg

Of course the sword is larger. (read description of weapon)


Dragon Powers: The dragon itself was an ice dragon that lived in the artic circle. in fact it made its home at the exact top of the planet. Purely territorial it would attack anything that came too close. How Ryker was able to kill it is explained in the bio. Ryker can turn into the decently large, light blue, dragon. Outside of full dragon form Ryker has limited control of ice; as in can begin to freeze things he has direct contact with. He can also change his right arm into the dragon claw without the full transformation which helps wield his decently large sword.

Weapon: [spoiler=Zweihänder, Pic used only to get accurate idea of the size of the weapon.] zweihander.jpg

German two-handed sword. Was used to defeat those with pikes so it had decent length. Ryker carries it for the times when he can't use his dragon powers.

[spoiler=Bio:] Ryker's early life was nothing fantastic or amazing other than the fact that he had one of the oddest birthmarks anyone had ever seen. He led and average life and did well in school. When he was 16 he decided to join the military just for the training aspect.


One day, when Ryker was 17, the military wanted to determine how well the trainees could do in extreme cold survival situations. The group was dropped off in the arctic and little did the military know the area was guarded by a very aggressive dragon. This dragon was a light blue with relatively few spikes except on the edges of the large wings. A single horn adorned the center of it's chest. The dragon was about as tall as about four men and had a wing span as long as the height of six men. More than anything, the group feared the long sharp claws and fangs along with the impossibly hard scales. The dragon killed a good number of the trainees as most of their weapons had limited ammo and couldn't pierce the dragon's skin. With only 5 of the group left alive and only one bullet left in Ryker's gun, he took careful aim and shot the dragon in the head through the eye. The dragon died and shortly after the survivors were rescued.


Ryker, along with the other survivors, left the military immediately after. Ryker swore to never use a modern weapon ever again after that. He noticed very odd things involving water shortly after. Sometimes, when he stepped in a puddle frost would appear on the edges of it. Before long her realized the full extent of this powers, even the ability to transform into the dragon that had killed so many of his friends. He's not sure what he wants to do with the powers but he has become quite comfortable with them; his family knows about it and if forced he wouldn't be freaked out about transforming in public.


As for his personality, he's the type of person that doesn't tend to do something unless he knows why it needs to be done. He's bright and perceptive but tends to keep his observations to himself. In truth, these traits made being in the military difficult for him. He shows concern only for his family and good friends but is decently okay at making friends.



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The clock struck Noon, and the rush began. Students rose out of their seats, gathering their books into their bags and getting ready to go about their daily lives. In one particular section sat three blonde women, all young; two blonde men, also young; a redheaded woman who looked to be about forty; and a large brunette man with a large scowl on his face. This brown-haired man stood up quickly, gathering his bag together before anyone else at his table.


Gan Oblyn walked to the door, taking strides that would make normal people think he was running. The University was on a fairly large campus, and many different students made this place their main social scene. Gan, no stranger to the act of socializing, was eventually approached by a girl who looked to be eighteen, the same age as Gan himself. She had bright blue eyes and long blonde hair, and spoke in a pleasing Soprano.


"Hey, Gan! Me and a couple of friends are going to a movie tonight. Wanna come and be my date?" She interlocked her arm in his, getting comfortable with him. Gan noticed this immediately.


Humans... Revolting.


"I'd love to, Melody, but I actually have plans alone tonight." He soflty nudged her away, not wanting to seem like a complete jerk, but still enough to give her the message. A disappoined look went across her face for a second, but as most humans do she tried to hide it.


"Hey, no problem. Just be careful! There's a full moon out tonight -- a Werewolf might come and bite you!" She ran off, avoiding looking at his face.


Laughable. Humans and their superstitions. Werewolves don't need a full moon to reign... but just in case...


Gan quickly ran back to his dorm, where he'd been lucky enough to get a room all to himself. When night eventually fell, Oblyn emerged from behind the facade. The huge beast inside of him was crying to be let out, but Oblyn held himself in.


"I've got to keep up this human disguise until I locate the Origin of the Dragon... Until then, human facade." He gazed into the mirror, longing to see gore and violence. Most nights, he would go out hunting, having the superior stamina of a Demon. Clues were few and far, and some nights Oblyn thought he'd never find what he was searching for.


Then again, Demons are Immortal.


"We have all the time in the world..."


As he climbed out his window and into the night, his yellow eyes glowed. He wanted so badly to release his true image, and perhaps scare some sense into these stupid humans.

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Visions flowed through Kirimono's mind, making it hard for him to concentrate on his work. It was giving him a serious headache. "Hey, dude, you okay?" Whispered a boy next to him. "Yeah, I'm fine. My head just hurts.""Oh, I'm very sorry. My name's Kintaro." His eyes widened for a moment. Then the final bell rang. Kirimono then said, nervously, to Kintaro, "I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?""But you didn't tell me your name yet," said Kintaro. "I'll tell you tomorrow.""Okay, see ya!" Kirimono then thought, "Kintaro?! How can this be?" He asked himself that same question all the time going home. He then saw a letter taped to his door. "That's strange."

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