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The First King Of The Hill contest!


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This contest is a series of 1v1 contests, that is why it is found here. In this contest you will battle to be King of the Hill, The prize will be high and a trophy will be presented that can only be earneed in this contest. There is no entry fee and the contes will end on December 5th unless we haven't started yet.




[spoiler=Match 2 requirements]

Make 2 cards. ONe is a vannila and One is an effect using the following requirements.

1. Must be DARK

2. Effect must involve tributing Spellcasters

3. Must support LIGHT monsters

4. Level must be 8 or lower


[spoiler=King of the Hill]

Kailyn Kyosuke


[spoiler=how this will work]

The first 2 contestants will 1v1 and The winner will become the first King of the Hill. After this all contestants will face this person in a 1v1 match. If the Defender wins he/she earns another win and keeps the Hill. If the Attacker wins he/she becomes the new king and earns a win. The person with the most wins at the end of this contest will win.



There is only 1 winner and the prize is:

6 reps and 1500 points AS WELL AS the King Of The Hill trophy and title.



1.HP Doom 0-1

2.PlasmaTheHero 1-1

3.Kailyn Kyosuke 1-0

4.insonic 0-0

5.KurashiDragon 0-0

6.Darklink401 0-0

7.Gefhx 0-0

8.ComingSoonNOT123 0-0










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