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YCM Poker


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[spoiler=Rules]Get your deck and put it next to your computer. Shuffle your deck.The Winner of the last match plays the first card ( Say the first card. Monster: Say the ATK. Spell or Trap: Say the effect. )

Then you get to turn all you decks.

If the Winner chooses a Monster, you have to play a Monster with greater ATK. E.G I play Dark Magician, I play Blue Eyes. The only way you can get to play a spell or trap card is if the effect of the spell or trap card includes a Monster being sent to the graveyard.

If it is a spell or trap card, the serial number has to be greater than the last card. The only way it can get to play a Monster is the Monster has to say Spell or Trap anywhere on the card.

When you play a card you have to separate it from your deck.

When you run out of cards, write DECK OUT!.

When the first person shouts DECK OUT!, they get 5 points from all the players and that is the end of that match.

Note:Your Deck has to be 40 cards only.


[spoiler=Cards Not Currently Allowed]Dark Magician Girl

Red Eyes Zombie Dragon

Dark Blade

Cyber Twin Dragon




Magical Dimension Serial Number:28553439



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