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Retro Memories


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I stumbled across a few Retro Gems the other day and decided to play them again. True gaming bliss. The Past was a time when games were more challenging and wouldn't hold your hand the whole way through. Retro Games started the Speed Run craze and the ultimate challenges (Try clearing Link to the Past without being hit, I have :P)


What Retro memories do you have? With the Virtual COnsole and other ways to play Retro Games, do you have any fond nostalgic memories?

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I used to play the first 3 Spyros over and over.


Funny' date=' I [i']still[/i] do :3

Same with Crash 2 and 3

(I have Crash 1 aswell, but I prefer the other 2 IMO)


And Arm has Megaman Anniversary Collection + Megaman X Collection. Retro Megaman games ftw


@TC: A Link to the Past is lulzy, and possible to do without bieng hit. But im too lazy to try and do it that way XD

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Ah, the NES days. Yes, I had one, and my Grandma gave it to me. So many memories. :D


1. Beating Super Mario 3 was simply epic. There was much rejoicing.

2. Toting the Light Scope used for Duck Hunt (It was pretty BA)

3. Legend of Zelda: Beaten. (Not without taking a hit though...XD)

4. Super Mario 2. "What the heck?!" -Me, after picking up an enemy.

5. My first time playing original Mario, I got owned by the first Goomba. XD

6. Bump'n'Jump? Anyone know it?


And Pokemon on GBC. The Metal Generation (Gold, Silver, Crystal) was by far the best, in all it's retro glory.

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