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linerider sculpture/track contest

Don Shadow

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the thing is, you have to create a linerider track or a sculpture( a linerider track made out of household items, which usually uses a hotwheels car as bosh. ) and make a vid of the track and post it here for the judges(me and yugikingraider5) to make a 1-100 score system

1-10 coolness

1-10 imagination

0 or 10 completed/uncompleted

1-10 amount of tries used (up to 5 allowed )

1-60 parts count(use as many parts as u want. use legos, cardboard tubes, cigarete boxes, etc.[only if you are using a sculpture.])

if you have a linerider.com account, you can submit your track videos to linerider.com! if i see it there, i'll watch it and rate it.(the score system.)

check this track out!(you can play the videogame, the online beta 3, or make a scuplture.)



start making! be sure to use camtasia studio to make it show only the track.

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