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Priestess of Demos is now returning.

Pact with Cephus created.

Sending food over to his kingdom.


Pop: 1300


New units:

25 Teachers

75 Black Smiths


New Policy in goverment:

Women are now given more rights over men, but cannot join the military.

Men have voting rights taken away, but gain better education in construction, military, and math.


Women gain better education in politics, reading.


The Democracy has researched Astronomy.

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Sends a Priestess to Wulf's Kingdom for diplomatic mission.


Due to a sudden surge in food production, now sending a convoy to Cephus's kingdom to support in their famine.


Due to surge of food production, population increases, sending a settling party to expand.



Phoboes (Capital)





New Units:

100 Settlers

100 Foot soldiers

100 Teachers


The Democracy's best artist has created a National Epic, Nationalism is now growing.

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New city is founded in a woodland area.



Phoboes (Capitial)






New units:

50 Astronomers

50 SilverSmiths


A mining post has been found, in addition to iron, the mines also contains silver.


Creating a system of currency with silver coins.


Astronomers observes the nights, charting out the seasons.

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{Gold} Mine found! Occupying...

{Crystal} Mine found! Occupying...




{1400} People in Residential Zone

{55} Corporations in Commercial Zone

{30} Factories in Industrial Zone




City [Cephus] is named!

Migrating West...




Creating [1] Trade Center...




Upgrading Power Plant...

Upgrading Water Pump and Refinery


RInfantary and CalvaryR


Training [20] Swordsmen with [20] Light Calvary

Training [20] Shieldmen with [20] Light Calvary

Training [20] Bowmen with [20] Light Calvary

Hiring [20]Mages




Allies with Phoboes

Creating [Modern Colossus] as thanks to Allies

Cities Modernizing...

Zodiac Temples created! {30/30 Worshipers}{20/20 Priests}

Stock Market Excellent! [/align]

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New Category : Teachings!

Scientists study stars and create Zodiacs and Constallations

Iron can be Converted into Steel!

Coal can be Converted into Diamond!

Iron and Copper can be converted into Coal!

Copper can be Converted into Gold!

Schools made, learning Arabian Math and Sciences

Currency Created : R's![/align]



New Category Added : Battling!

Barbarians are attacking, and pillaging Iron! Cephus sends help requests to allies.

Cephus fights back, and defeats 3 out of the 7 barbarian armies.

- -Horse Swordsman [20 -> 18] Wounded [0] Dead [2]

- -Horse Shieldmen [20 ->15] Wounded [2] Dead [3]

- -Horse Archer [20 -> 12] Wounded [1] Dead [7]

- -General Orion and Sagittarius are both Surviving[/align]

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The Democracy's top astrologers have found the secrets of advanced math!


Sends a group of Teachers to Cephus to spread education.


Another temple is built in Athens.





New Units:

20 Priestess

40 Mill workers

40 Axe Men


A lumber mill has been built in Athens.


The Wall around Demos is being upgraded and reinforced with Iron.


One of Demos's top Artist has created another National Epic, Nationalism is growing bigger.

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Cephus obtains Advanced Math from Demos.

Cephus sends its knowlegde of Steel, Gold, and Diamonds to Demos.




Cephus sends [Modern Collosus] (Statue of Alliance) to Demos

Cephus requests for a World Fair




Cephus went North instead of West, and reached a cold place

City {Polaris} is created!




{1700} People in Residential Area

{60} Corporations in Commercial Area

{35} Factories in Industrial Area[/align]

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Cephus and Polaris's engineers accept the gift kindly.

Cephus sends the invention of the telephone to Athens and Pheboes.

Sends some Ore to WULF's empire




Cephus purifies Gold. Sends some to Demos...

Polaris finds Oil! Polaris purifies Crude Oil and sends some to Demos...

Barbarians taking more Iron. Cephus asks for help from Demos.




Cephus discovers Earth Sciences! Polaris comes up with the Heliocentric Model of the Universe!

{150} Teachers are now in school

{25} Philosophers are thinking...




House of Worships are upgraded!

{25} Mages are studying!




{1900} People in Residental Area

{70} Corporations in Commercial Area

{50} Factories in Industrial Area




Walls around Polaris and Cephus are being Built

Cephus is going green! Planting more trees, making more parks, recycling, and reducing pollution! [/align]

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Demos accepts the gifts, and sends 50 highly trained calvary to train Chephus some Calvary.


Engineers has built catapults and primitive missiles.


Politicians forbides males from joining and gaining rank in the Temples.





New units:

100 calvary

100 workers

200 teachers now

100 engineers now


Miners discover jade, Artisans are now making monuments and sending them towards Polaris.


A settler party has founded Rome at a beach west of Phoboes.



Demos (Captial)

Phoboes (Industrial Center)

Rome (Religious center)


A grand temple is built at Rome.

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Cephus gives a lot of purified Gold Bars as thanks for the troops(WULF and Demos); he could not have won the war without them!




Princess Adromeda marries Hero Perseus!

If Cephus and Cassiopia dies, then Perseus and Adromeda will take the throne, but will change thier names to fit their title.[/align]

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Priestesses at the Grand Temple of Rome made the following decree.

"Sisters! We must join together, if we do not, the risk of our civilization becoming corrupt with increase. The stars have started to dissappear and reappear, this shows trouble is ahead. The plants have started to bloom early, bountifull harvest is near, and we must take as much as possible in case of famine. The heavens had shown us beauty of the Mother goddess thanks to the people of Polaris. We must pray for a long and productive pact will last with them!"






200 (50 out of kingdom) Calavary

14 Catapults

100 Missiles (made out of Oak, iron, and losts of gunpowder)

100 Priestesses now.


The city of Rome has discovered incense.


The Democracy sends 100 bushels of frankincense to Polaris and Cephus, and 50 bushels to Wulf's kingdom.

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Cephus travels East, and finds beautiful springs. Cephus established Lyra.




Lyra created {3} Worship Towers

Lyra created {12} Worship Buildings

{100} Priests migrated to Lyra

{100} Mages migrated to Lyra




{Gold} Mine and {Crystal} Mine is found in Lyra

Springs provide fresh water for Lyra

Recieves Cactus, and shows it as display in Lyra

Recieves Frankinsense and uses it during sermons in Lyra




{2200}People in Residential Area

{100} Corporations in Commercial Area

{75} Factories in Industrial Area




A man in Lyra got bopped on the head with an apple, and created gravity!

Polaris uses WULF's discovery of electricity to power homes![/align]

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